Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hilarious Video of NYU Student Thug Disobedience Coming to an End

These little Che Guevaras and Obamas finally ran everyone's patience at NYU to an end. highlights are: spouting the usual mob-rule collectivist nonsense about "democratic process," threatening the administration, shouts of "police brutality," and, my personal favorite, trying to tell the security and police staffs what they can and cannot do..It's classic collectivist nonsense. If I came away with anything from this video, it's that I do not want my kids to go to NYU. What a bunch of snotty little Ches.
It's kind of sobering to think that the sort of loopy collectivists that did this... are the same sort that brought chaos to campuses in the sixties... are like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn... are the same sort of people running our country now... God help us.

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