Friday, February 13, 2009

CAT-astrophe: Obama Says Trillion-Dollar Turd Will Save Your Jobs; Their Boss Says No, it Won't

I keep thinking every day that today will be the day the campaigning will end and Obama will start to try and govern. Each day I am wrong. Yesterday's highlight was Obama telling an audience of Caterpillar employees that their jobs would be saved by his Trillion-Dollar-Turd, which the CEO of Caterpillar had to correct later.

Why are CEO's of companies like Caterpillar still inviting this anti-business, power-hungry, tyrant-in-training to their companies? Oh, yeah... because he's printing up Billions in new money and doling it out to the CEO's.

Seems the Obamaton socialist fascists have figured out the secret - Capitalists can be bought, and that's not so hard to do when you have the keys to the printing press.

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