Saturday, February 14, 2009

Idiot GOP Congressmen Now Touting Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd

Almost as if to undo all the good vibes with the grassroots that the House GOP gained in staying united against Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd, at least two GOP Congressmen are now touting the benefits of the massive pork-laden spending bill.
Rep. John Mica was gushing after the House of Representatives voted Friday to pass the big stimulus plan.

"I applaud President Obama's recognition that high-speed rail should be part of America's future," the Florida Republican beamed in a press release.

Yet Mica had just joined every other GOP House member in voting against the $787.2 billion economic recovery plan.

He wasn't alone -
Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, also had nice things to say in a press release.

Young boasted that he "won a victory for the Alaska Native contracting program and other Alaska small business owners last night in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."

One provision would have made it harder for minority businesses to win contracts, and Young explained that he "worked with members on the other side of the aisle to make the case for these programs, and was able to get the provision pulled from the bill."

And John Boehner's office's response amounted to a "no comment" -
Mike Steel, a spokesman for House GOP Leader John Boehner of Ohio, at first ducked when asked about Mica and Young issuing press releases praising the bill they'd opposed.

"I don't work for Mica or Young," Steel said initially.

Great. So now conservatives have to overcome liberals, Democrats, the press, the schools, Hollywood, AND these nitwit Republicans who aren't satisfied with losing, but want to make sure that they look hypocritical and duplicitous as well.

The GOP needs some enforcement and discipline in their ranks. Senators Snowe, Collins, and Sphincter have already stabbed their own party in the back with no consequences, and now these back-bencher Congressmen seem to feel they can do the same.

The Democrats win because they are focused and acting as a disciplined team unit. It sure isn't because their message makes sense. Unless the Republicans want to continue to win in the arena of ideas while getting the snot beat out of them where it counts, i.e. in the arena of political combat, Michael Steele needs to get busy and get these rogues in line.

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