Blaring hypocrisy by the enviro-whackos is nothing new, but liberal European politicians noticing it sure is. Prince Charles is taking heat from MP's in the UK over his decision to charter a private jumbo jet to ferry him and his staff of 14 on a globe-trotting tour of South America to tell everyone there good common-sense things like buy electric cars and "if it's yellow, let it mellow...if it's brown flush it down."
Critics seized on his choice of transport. Labour MP Ian Davidson, a member of the Commons Public Accounts Committee, said: 'It would be hard to make this up.
'To hear that the Prince of Wales is flying to South America to save the environment and taking 14 staff on his jet at hideous cost just for this trip is the height of the absurd.
'At a time when the greed of bankers is causing much adverse comment I would have thought that Prince Charles would have had more sense than to be so financially and ecologically wasteful.'
Sheesh, someone sould tell these guys about Webex.
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