Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama Releases USS Cole Killer, Dad Speaks Out on ECR; Also US Rep Charles Boustany (R-LA) Live 7EDT

Evil Conservative Radio at 7PM on Wednesday, 25 February:

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1. Before 9/11, Al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen. 17 American heroes were murdered, including 26 year old Navy Fireman, Petty Officer Gary Swenchonis. On Feb 5, Obama dropped the charges against mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. EC is honored to interview Petty Officer Swenchonis' father about this betrayal, and his subsequent refusal to meet with Obama. Every American who ever wore a uniform should support Gary Swenchonis, Sr. and be irate at this abomination.

2. EC will interview US Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA), about Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd, the direction of our foreign policy, and is Obama's collectivist agenda constitutional? Will Obama's collectivist drive end up any better than the bloody collectivizations of other societies? We'll also get Rep. Boustany's opinion on Obama's treatment of the USS Cole case, and what that means for our fighting men and women.

ECR is ready to hit hard tomorrow night. Make sure you wear a chinstrap.

Remember, the government produces nothing, so anything they give you had to be stolen from someone else first.
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