Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to 1997 - DJIA at 7114; Market Fears Obama Fascism More than 9/11 Terror

The market reacted today to Obama's fiscal responsibility summit at the White House by declining to levels we haven't seen since 1997. The market fears Obama more than 9-11, considering that slamming two planeloads of people into the world's financial center sent the DJIA to 7700 on the first day of trading after the attacks. Thirty days of Obama has done far worse damage. Really makes you look forward to the next 47 months doesn't it?

The really amazing thing is that it took Al Qaeda years of planning to execute 9/11, but Obama's done his damage in just over 30 days in office. This excellent short video from Villareal Media puts it in perspective nicely.

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