Monday, February 2, 2009

WaPo: Steele Disses Limbaugh... Video: Different Story

Did newly elected RNC Chair Michael Steele diss Rush Limbaugh? The Washington Post says he did, when asked directly how he felt about the garrulous host's spirited defense of himself from attacks by President Obama last week. ECR brings you the video of the question and Michael Steele's UNEDITED response. You tell me - does it sound like Mr. Steele backs Rush?

The WaPo says this:
Asked about the controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh and his back and forth with President Barack Obama, Steele was careful not to wholly embrace the controversial conservative talk radio host. "Rush will says what Rush has to say, we will do what we have to do as a party," said Steele

Hear his remarks in context here:

Is the media trying to drive a wedge between Limbaugh and Steele? Does the quote from Steele in the NYT accurately reflect his answer? And is it just me or is anyone else concerned about all the media and government attention being paid to a private citizen exercising their First Amendment rights?
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