Monday, February 2, 2009

Good News: Ted Nugent Runs for NRA President

Ted Nugent has declared himself ready to do battle in Washington against the anti-gun lobby. "The Nooj," who is currently serving as an NRA board member and has a huge grass=roots following from his hunting TV show and his 23 albums, told Washington Whispers,
"Clearly, the NRA is the ultimate 'we the people,' family, grass-roots organization for what is clearly Job 1 for free men everywhere: to guarantee our God-given right to keep and bear arms and defend ourselves," he tells our Suzi Parker. "To be so honored to participate in any way, as an NRA board member or the ultimate honor of serving as president, would surely be a duty I would put my heart and soul into. I am genuinely moved that it is even being discussed. I am ready, willing, and able to serve if the good NRA members call upon me."

I personally don't care much for his music (I like my stuff a little...umm...edgier), but The Nooj would definitely be a great choice for the job, and someone the American public already knows and loves. The media loves to create a straw man to debate, and it's harder for the media to do that to a known figure. We saw that with Charlton Heston.

Maybe a long-haired, good-time, party-rocker who understands the importance of our Second Amendment rights and is unafraid to communicate that they are God-given is exactly what the NRA needs.
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