Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Who can Stand Up Against the Federal Reserve?

In the midst of this financial crisis, there is definitely a case to be made against the Fed. While our Congress has approved more than $1 Trillion in bailouts/stimulus already, and very well may approve more, the Fed has been printing money like there's no tomorrow, including more than $2 Trillion they refuse to account for. Who's getting rich here?

When the Fed prints money, we pay for it. So far Bloomberg estimates the total cost of government intervention in our economy at more than $9 Trillion. That's more than $35,000 per American.

Here's the article from New World Liberty:
The Prime Minister of Iceland was forced to resign after weeks of protests. Millions are protesting in France. Millions more are protesting around the world. Everyone knows the truth. It is time for us to make our stand.

With much of the Republican Congress united against the Federal Reserve, there is a growing number of Congress from the Democratic Party coming out against the Federal Reserve. These actions are proof that the Federal Reserve wears no clothes. The Federal Reserve doesn’t have the power over the Congress. The people have the power over the Congress.

I personally know my Congressman. I know his children. I know Congress can and will stand up for the people when the issue is important enough. They directly represent us. They know many of the people they represent. They can’t be brought down because their numbers are too great. They hold the power because they hold the power of the people they represent.

I personally have networked with former classmates, and I was top of my class. My peers are being hit with truth everyday, even the daughters of a Congressman. The fabric of this nation, while still more concerned about the Steelers than what is happening in Iceland, is waking up. And while it isn’t surprising the badass from high school wants to see Dick Cheney pushed down the stairs, you would be surprised at whom and what this country feels and knows as they seemingly cheer the Steelers mindlessly.

When the majority are exposed to the truth, the executives have no security detail, the brass has noone to follow their orders, and we can come after the banksters hiding in their vaults with military thermate.

It is like a scene from the movie, Ants, or when the kids stand up to the bully. The people soon find out how much power they have and how little power the elite have. They learn the man behind the curtain is behind the curtains because he wears no clothes.

What I would love to see is for this group of Congressmen representing the people and serving to U.S. Constitution to come out in open declaration of war against the New World Order and the Federal Reserve. It would be a WAR ON THE FEDERAL RESERVE. It would be a WAR ON THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

The Federal Reserve has committed acts of financial terrorism against the world. I want to see a united Congress all to give speeches on C-SPAN which end with, “You’re either we us, the people, or you’re with the banksters.”

They need to write a bill or series of bills which create commissions, committees, or even a new department to fund the dismantling of the Federal Reserve and the people in government they have corrupted. We probably need a permanent department whose sole purpose is to fight the money changers, the banksters, and the evil hands of the private Federal Reserve that we might have missed.

They should fund the research of how to go about it and to fund the bodies to investigate the Federal Reserve and the people they have corrupted. They should fund the prisons for these people guilty of the highest of crimes. They should fund the efforts to bust the dangerous trusts in critical areas, especially in the fourth branch of government, the media, which has been allowed to build up around us.

They should research the laws and acts that have been passed and done which have undermined our republic so they can start the process of undoing those laws and acts. They should pass the laws and acts which will set us on the right path. And without the corrupting influence, they should be able to do a much better job.

The Congress is specifically authorized by the U.S. Constitution to issue and coin money. They have numerous quotes from our founding fathers and others which demand it is their most important and creative duty. We need to take back our monetary system from the Federal Reserve. We need to take back our government from the monetary system.

We don’t need a revolution. We already have a Democratic Republic. We just need to stand up, take out the trash, and take our country back from the banksters.

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