Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama's First 12 Days: Russia, Iran, N. Korea Have Started Pushing America Around

Just like the Obama supporters would have you believe, it really IS a brand new day, full of hope and opportunity and joy! Wait, you mean you thought Obama's campaign promises were for US? Not exactly. But while Obama spreads his particular brand of hopelessness around American markets, world tyrants like Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Kim Jong Il are acting like Boris Yeltsin at an open bar and wasting no time in making bellicose gestures designed to make America look bad.

While the American media busies itself trying to destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of Obama's domestic agenda, Vladimir Putin is aggressively moving to establish Russian hegemony in the Arctic Circle, and claim for himself and his oligarchs in Mother Russia all of the mineral and fossil fuel wealth to be found there. The fact that the Democrats in charge now wouldn't allow the use of any of the resources doesn't really mitigate the fact that it makes America look weak.

While MSNBC replaces their tired George-Bush-is-the-root-of-all-evil theme with a newer and fresher Rush-Limbaugh-is-the-root-of-all-evil theme, North Korea is threatening war with South Korea, two days after tearing up all existing agreements with their southern neighbor. The North Koreans have pulled stunts like this for decades when they sense unfocused leadership in the US.

Of course, the media also ignores Obama's frustrated attempts to establish bro-mantic relations with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. I've blogged about it extensively. The damage this does to our foreign status in Muslim countries is incalculable, and perhaps only exceeded by the amount of esteem gained in the Muslim world by Ahmadinejad and Iran.

How long will Obama and his peons in the media keep on pushing individual Americans around while Putin, Kim, et al see the bigger prize and push America around?

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