Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obama: Elected on Hope, Governing with Hopelessness

Where's the hope? Like the little old lady in the Wendy's commercials from the 1980's, voters who supported Barack Hussein Obama in his bid for "hope" and "change" last year would be justified in asking that question. The rest of us are starting to.

Twelve days into it, the Obama administration has been long on change, but woefully lacking in hope. Add to that the fact that the changes haven't been exactly what his supporters were expecting, and you have to think that some of the voters are going to start reconnecting with their critical thinking faculties.

Obama didn't sound very hopeful in his weakly address this Saturday, and he hasn't been sounding very hopeful this week at all regarding our economy. He's been calling it a "disaster," and saying recovery will take "years, not months." I think a lot of us have seriously underestimated the damage a marxist with the bully pulpit can do to already reeling markets.

It's quite frankly a testament to the American spirit that there are still businesses being started while our economy is being used as a political punching bag. Some entrepreneurial individuals are seeing this as an opportunity, and not as a reason to run and hide.

Two of these entrepreneurs I know personally because they advertise on Evil Conservative Radio. Counting ECR itself, that makes three, so I know the struggles right now with financing and trying to sell in this environment. We'll continue to ignore Obama's calls for doom and gloom and try to provide for ourselves and grow our small enterprises, not wait for Obama to come and save us. But it sure would be nice if he'd shut up and stop scaring away investment and business.
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