Monday, February 2, 2009

Netanyahu: Iran Won't Get Nukes

Our new President appears to have an unhealthy obsession with trying to make nice with Iran, ceding the credibility of leadership to anyone who might stand up and make a case for the truth. Bibi Netanyahu seems ready to do that. The outspoken Israeli statesman said Saturday in no uncertain terms that Iran "will not be armed with a nuclear weapon."

But he also said a lot more than that. He said a lot of the things that the President of the United States should be saying but isn't, namely calling Iran what it is - the biggest danger currently facing the world.
In an interview with Israel's Channel 2 TV, Netanyahu said if elected prime minister his first mission will be to thwart the Iranian nuclear threat. Netanyahu, the current opposition leader and head of the hardline Likud party, called Iran the greatest danger to Israel and to all humanity.
When asked if stopping Iran's nuclear ambitions included a military strike, he replied: "It includes everything that is necessary to make this statement come true."

Let's hear it for Bibi Netanyahu, for saying what needs to be said and promising to take a stand. Evil Conservative Radio supports Bibi Netanyahu for Prime Minister of Israel.
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