Monday, February 2, 2009

Global Warming Update - London Buried Under Biggest Snow in 20 Years

Just days after Al Gore enthralled the US Congress with tales of environmental disaster, while Washington, DC was in a deep freeze, the UK is experiencing its biggest snowfall in 20 years.

Al Gore took his moment in the spotlight last week to lobby for Obama's porkulus package on the logic that it'd be good for the environment, pleading for Congress to spend as much as necessary to address what he called a "dangerous and growing threat of the climate crisis." You have to wonder just how stubborn Al Gore and his millions of followers are, as their pet theory faces stronger and stronger opposition, not only scientifically, but anecdotally as well.

From Sky News:

The worst winter weather for 18 years has caused massive disruption to rail and air services and caused major problems on the roads.
Thousands of schools were closed and over six million workers are said to have stayed at home.
Analysts have put the cost to business at £1.2bn - but say the figure could be a lot higher.
Earlier, major airports closed runways, dozens of trains were suspended and there were no buses in London during the morning rush hour.
On the London Underground, 10 of the 11 lines were either completely or partly suspended.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the authorities were doing "everything in our power" to get the country moving again.
An army of snow ploughs and gritters worked non-stop to clear the roads but motorists were still caught in huge tailbacks.
At 20cm (8ins) the snowfall was the heaviest in Britain since February 1991, when about 10cm fell.

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