Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Another Foreign Policy Bungle - Obama Ticks Off Europe: "Worst Signal He Could Send"

It didn't take long. Less than two weeks after his inauguration, Barack Hussein Obama's managed to embolden North Korea, taken a slap in the face from Russia, and made himself and the nation look silly as he pursued Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. Now he's done the unthinkable. He's angering Europe.

Incompetence and inexperience show themselves quickly on the world stage, and with Obama's call to "buy American," he's managed to turn the headlines from glowing to glowering in record time.

Take a look at this one from Jan 21 - EU: Obama inauguration creates new opportunities for enhancing transatlantic ties

Nice, right? Your typical Obama love-fest. Now look at this one from today - EU attacks Obama 'buy American' plan as new Iron Curtain.

Oops. That's in just two weeks. Imagine what he can do in four years.
Britain and Europe were today embroiled in the first big row with Barack Obama - and it was over free trade.

The US president's plan for a "Buy American" rule in his £825billion economic stimulus package was condemned as a dangerous retreat into protectionism.

The clause decrees that only American-made iron, steel and goods can be bought for projects funded by the recovery package.

A European Commission spokesman dubbed it the "worst possible signal" that the new presidency could give to the world.

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