Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Hampshire Legislators Act to Stop Socialist Trend

Reader Bruce submitted this news and I thought I'd pass it along to our audience. ECR certainly supports states' rights and we're supportive of this bill. New Hampshire is a great state, almost like a big independent finger in the face of Boston. Ya gotta love that.

Unfortunately they've been invaded by a lot of "Mass-holes" from their southern neighbor who move to NH to escape the crazy socialism of Mass. and end up bringing their mentality with them. Hence, NH is no longer the dependable red state it once was. At least there are still some rugged individualists in their state legislature. Let's give them our support.

Bruce wrote-

Please help get this word out and help take back this country from the socialists.

Four New Hampshire state legislators have introduced a resolution affirming Thomas Jefferson̢۪s defense of states' rights. House Concurrent Resolution 6 was recently introduced into the New Hampshire̢۪s State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee by Rep. Itse, Rep. Ingbretson, Rep. Comerford, and Sen. Denley.

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