Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lib Talking Points: GOP Cut 500,000 Jobs Out of Stimulus Package (Yes, They're Really Saying That)

What will the Dems be saying next week about the stimulus package? That the GOP cut 500,000 jobs from it in the Senate. This really should be a lesson to Specter, Collins, and Snowe (those morons). Now when the stimulus package doesn't work the press and the libtards will blame the GOP.

When will they figure out that bipartisanship is a game, and the name of the game is YOU LOSE?

I spend a lot of time cruising left wing sites like the Talking Points Cafe, mainly so that my readers don't have to. As a general rule of thumb, lefties are full of wild accusations and make incredible assertions with little or no facts to back them up, then they have comment after comment of people cheering on the idiocy. Here is one such example.

Read ahead at your own risk. You are entering a logic-free zone.

Republicans Cut 500,000 Jobs Out of Stimulus Package

by Dean Baker

Let's extend our congratulations to Senators Susan Collins and Ben Nelson for having negotiated a stimulus package that will produce 500,000 fewer jobs than the one passed by the House. Who knows, if the House had its way, the unemployment rate might never cross 10 percent.

There seems to be a real problem with how the folks in the Senate think about stimulus. We have an economy in free fall right now. The data show us losing almost 600,000 jobs in January and the true picture may be even worse.

To counteract this downturn, the federal government has to create demand by spending money, lots of it. The amount of money that we want to spend is a function of the weakness of the economy, which seems to deteriorate by the day.

Trying to save money on stimulus, is like finding a short cut for your jogging route. We can do it, but it undermines the whole point of the effort.

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