Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gallup Releases New Approval Numbers... On Rush Limbaugh?

Apparently President Obama's War on Rush Limbaugh has had at least one unintended consequence... it's raising the talk host's profile. I'm not going to bother over-interpreting this, but I will make five points:

1. Since when does Gallup do national approval polls on radio talk hosts?

2. Kudos to the 5% of Dems who like Rush... who'd have known there could be that many?

3. What the hell is the matter with the 40% of Republicans? Where was this poll taken? Grand Central Station? It just doesn't figure that 40% of Republicans can't see who has a strategy and ideology that actually WINS elections... or maybe it does, actually.

4. The media will no doubt focus on the negatives... but the numbers are a LOT higher than the approval numbers of the US Congress. I wonder what Nancy Pelosi's national numbers are?

5. When Gallup is releasing approval numbers on you, you are really HUGE. Congrats, Rush. As far as I know, you're the first radio host with his own approval numbers.

Gallup Article Here
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