Monday, February 9, 2009

Even the Euros See It- German Economist Who Predicted '87 Crash Says Obama Plan Doomed

"The current economic crisis is a direct result of intervention by the US government designed to never have a recession. An economy with no recessions is like a person that never sleeps." Bingo. Dr. Faber's diagnosis of the problem is dead on.

I'm not sure I agree with his solution, which sounds nutty. But that isn't why I'm posting this. In fact, his nutty solution only goes to prove that this ISN'T just a partisan political stand. He's no conservative, but his diagnosis of the PROBLEM is dead-on, and that Obama's stimulus package will be a disaster. That is rapidly becoming an economic fact - not merely partisan speculation.

Politically, Sen.'s Collins, Snowe and Sphincter need to wake up and smell the coffee... what they are doing will tar the Republicans as a party to this crime against the American taxpayers. This bill won't fix anything that's wrong with our economy. It will merely help to ensure a generation of uninterrupted power by Democrats.

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