Here's some video of yesterday's Tea Party at City Hall Park in NYC. There were lots of impassioned speakers, hundreds of enthusiastic, fired-up protesters, and some great signage. NYC isn't exactly known as a bastion of conservatism, so seeing so many people willing to come out in the cold in order to send this message was great. As the NY Post noted, these Tea Parties may not go anywhere, but then who thought the one in 1773 would, either?
More Pics here and here
Berman Post has a bunch of these on YouTube
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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Obama on Iraq: Now vs. Then
Here's Obama's comments today about the success of the surge in Iraq, and his plans for withdrawing troops, juxtaposed with some of his and Biden's previous comments on the topic. Hmmm....
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NYC Tea Party - A Great Event
The New York City Tea Party, inspired by Rick Santelli and organized by Kellen Guida and Alex Zablocki, drew a larger-than-expected crowd today at City Hall Park downtown. The crowd was energized to begin with, with some great signs, and the speakers did their part of firing up the crowd. It was really encouraging to see so many people (around 300) being so vocal against the exponential expansion of government. I wish I could have stayed longer and spoken to more people there, but I only had an hour on the parking meter.
The Village Voice has some coverage out already, and they mentioned my favorite speaker by name:
Patrick Gibson, host of the Evil Conservative radio show on WVOX in New Rochelle, said "the same government that gave us the welfare state, the same government that created the problems that we're in right now, is the same government that says, 'Give us all the power and we'll solve the problems for you.'" His proposed solution was "tax cuts for business.
OK. So the Gettysburg Address it wasn't. But hopefully the point gets across - Governments don't produce anything, so all that free stuff they're promising.... has to first be taken from someone else.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Explosive Video: Obama's economic advisor: No "White Male Construction Workers"
Naked Emperor News -- Explosive Video: Robert Reich, Obamas economic advisor doesn't want recovery jobs for "White Male Construction Workers". Charlie Rangel says Middle class wont fight back. Charlie Rangel and Robert Reich are conspiring to ensure SOCIAL ENGINEERING and WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION.
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Obama's First 100 Minutes
Japanese Scientists: Compare Global Warming Scare to Astrology, Deny It's Man Made
The bricks on the wall of disinformation built by the United Nations and Al Gore over the past two decades continues to crumble. First there were 650 scientists who refuted the latest UN scare report... then The Great Global Warming Swindle... now Japanese Scientists are starting to speak the truth about this massive conspiracy, going so far as to compare it to "ancient astrology." Yeah, I know... I used the C- word. Keep reading...
Japan's boffins: Global warming isn't man-made
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Climate science is 'ancient astrology', claims report
By Andrew Orlowski • Get more from this author
Posted in Environment, 25th February 2009 12:23 GMT
Free whitepaper – The greening of IT
Exclusive Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the UN and Western-backed hypothesis of climate change in a new report from its Energy Commission.
Three of the five researchers disagree with the UN's IPCC view that recent warming is primarily the consequence of man-made industrial emissions of greenhouse gases. Remarkably, the subtle and nuanced language typical in such reports has been set aside.
One of the five contributors compares computer climate modelling to ancient astrology. Others castigate the paucity of the US ground temperature data set used to support the hypothesis, and declare that the unambiguous warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century has ceased.
The report by Japan Society of Energy and Resources (JSER) is astonishing rebuke to international pressure, and a vote of confidence in Japan's native marine and astronomical research. Publicly-funded science in the West uniformly backs the hypothesis that industrial influence is primarily responsible for climate change, although fissures have appeared recently. Only one of the five top Japanese scientists commissioned here concurs with the man-made global warming hypothesis.
JSER is the academic society representing scientists from the energy and resource fields, and acts as a government advisory panel. The report appeared last month but has received curiously little attention. So The Register commissioned a translation of the document - the first to appear in the West in any form. Below you'll find some of the key findings - but first, a summary.
Three of the five leading scientists contend that recent climate change is driven by natural cycles, not human industrial activity, as political activists argue.
Kanya Kusano is Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology (JAMSTEC). He focuses on the immaturity of simulation work cited in support of the theory of anthropogenic climate change. Using undiplomatic language, Kusano compares them to ancient astrology. After listing many faults, and the IPCC's own conclusion that natural causes of climate are poorly understood, Kusano concludes:
"[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis," he writes.
Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, has expressed criticism of the theory before. Akasofu uses historical data to challenge the claim that very recent temperatures represent an anomaly:
"We should be cautious, IPCC's theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with CO2 is nothing but a hypothesis. "
Akasofu calls the post-2000 warming trend hypothetical. His harshest words are reserved for advocates who give conjecture the authority of fact.
"Before anyone noticed, this hypothesis has been substituted for truth... The opinion that great disaster will really happen must be broken."
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Apache View: Insurgent vs. Hellfire Missile
Insurgent Jihadist vs. Hellfire Missile. 'Nuff said.... Enjoy
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Obama Budget Hits Charities, Small Businesses Hard
This report shows how Obama's budget affects one small business and one charity. Like I always say on Evil Conservative Radio, government doesn't produce anything, so every freebie they give away has to be stolen from someone else first.
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Israel to Get Dose of Reaganomics Under Netanyahu
Bloomberg is reporting that Bibi Netanyahu, Israel's newly elected Prime Minister (I'm not sure of the title at the moment, because he still has to form a coalition government...but I'm no Israel expert) is planning wide and deep tax cuts to stimulate the sagging Israel economy.
I'm thinking it may be a great way to test the tax cut theory vs. massive government theft and spending theory. Let's see whose plan works better...Bibi's or Obama's.
When he did it six years ago as Finance Minister it worked... and it's probably a good idea because the way things are looking with our own Dear Looter here at home, Israel will be pretty much on its own.
Why do I say that? Because EC thinks it's pretty clear that Obama has a destroy-Israel agenda and he can't be trusted to stand by freedom even here at home, much less in Israel.
Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Benjamin Netanyahu plans to apply the same small-government policies when he becomes Israel’s prime minister as he did six years ago as finance minister. Then, his tax and spending cuts helped lift the economy out of recession. They may be less suitable this time around.three significant players getting into trouble could paralyze the whole system.”
The Likud party leader, who has until April 3 to form a coalition, faces a shrinking economy, a growing budget deficit and a frozen corporate bond market. The recession in the U.S. and Europe has clobbered Israeli exports, which account for about half of gross domestic product in a country whose economy is smaller than Singapore’s. His only fiscal tool for the moment is a budget drawn up in August and stalled in the parliament.
“Israel must take steps in same spirit as the U.S. and Europe, to allow an even bigger deficit,” said Avi Ben Bassat, a professor of economics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. “The situation requires a change in economic policy.”
Netanyahu’s plans for the economy may encounter objections from his future partners. Although assembling his coalition could take several weeks, one probable member, the Shas party, said during the election campaign that it would seek to restore child allowances that had been reduced under Netanyahu.
Israeli GDP fell at a 0.5 percent annual rate in the final quarter of 2008. The Bank of Israel, whose index of leading indicators posted its steepest drop in January since records began in 1975, forecasts a 0.8 percent decline in GDP this year. Merchandise exports fell 26 percent in January to $3.18 billion from $4.32 billion a year ago.
Losing Jobs
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange’s benchmark TA-25 Index is down 46 percent from its peak on October 2007. Israel’s state Employment Service says a record 19,700 people lost their jobs in January.
“There will be a certain amount of deterioration before we can turn around the economy’s direction,” Netanyahu said Feb. 23 at a meeting of Likud lawmakers. “We face an economic crisis that we haven’t seen in many years.”
Netanyahu, 59, has vowed to lower Israeli taxes as he did as finance minister. He also promised during the campaign to liberalize the real-estate market, saying the Israel Land Administration’s near-monopoly inflates housing costs.
To solve the credit crunch, he says Israel should use existing U.S. loan guarantees to extend credit to companies, and proposes spending an unspecified amount of money on building roads and rails.
Industrial Policy?
Gidi Grinstein, president of the Tel Aviv-based Reut Institute policy group, said that won’t be enough. He proposes the government undertake an “industrial policy” aimed at opening markets in China and India and developing new technologies.
“The paradox of Netanyahu is that he has set very ambitious growth objectives for the Israeli economy, but the steps he has proposed won’t bring about the kind of growth he is talking about,” Grinstein said by telephone.
Almost since its creation in 1948, Israel’s economy has been dominated by government. Officials decided everything from the exchange rate to whether companies could raise capital. The government and labor unions controlled such big companies as Koor Industries Ltd. and Israel Chemicals Ltd.
While liberalization began in the 1980s, it stalled in the following decade -- including during Netanyahu’s first tenure as prime minister from 1996 to 1999 -- as the country’s technology industry and the Palestinian peace process boosted growth.
Selling Companies
By the time Netanyahu left the finance ministry in 2005 to protest the government’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, he had sold or begun selling El Al Israeli Airlines Ltd., the biggest carrier; Bezeq Ltd., the biggest telecommunications provider; and Israel Discount Bank Ltd., the third-largest lender.
“It’s very important to create an internal engine by reining in the size of government, cutting taxes and the bureaucracy,” said Ohad Marani, who served as the top aide during Netanyahu’s first year as finance minister. “He’s very much for small government.”
By cutting spending, Netanyahu helped reduce Israel’s budget deficit to 1.8 percent of GDP in 2005 from 5.1 percent in 2003. The TA-25 plunged 5.2 percent the day he announced he was stepping down. The deficit may reach 5 percent of GDP this year, Ben Bassat estimates.
“He was very decisive,” said Yossi Bachar, who replaced Marani. “He resisted all the pressures on him, even if it cost him politically.”
Fewer Challenges
Thanks in part to Netanyahu’s actions as finance minister, his government will have fewer challenges than those in the U.S. and Europe, said London-based Senior Economist Reinhard Cluse of UBS AG.
“Israel has a tough business cycle outlook, but no more than that,” Cluse said by telephone, adding that the government must take “expansionary” fiscal measures soon or risk seeing the slump extend into 2010.
One of the biggest challenges Netanyahu faces is the crisis in Israel’s corporate bond market, said Leo Leiderman, chief economist at Bank Hapoalim Ltd. in Tel Aviv.
The Tel Bond 20 index of the biggest corporate bonds fell as much as 19 percent in the last quarter as pension funds and other institutions were forced to sell securities to meet cash calls from investors. About 20 billion shekels ($4.7 billion) in non-bank debt comes due this year, the Bank of Israel estimates.
“The question is how the corporate sector will meet its obligations to bondholders and banks,” Leiderman said by telephone. “The economy is small enough that two or
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ECR Live - Rep. Boustany (R-LA): Obama Terrorism Strategy "Unbelievable"
EC interviews US Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA), who calls Obama administration moves on terrorism "unbelievable," and promises that the GOP rank-and-file on Capitol Hill are committed to leading the stand against our Dear Looter and his aggressively irresponsible agenda.
Let's hope they can pull this off.
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Let's hope they can pull this off.
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UN Proposal to Limit Criticism of Islam
From Lou Dobbs 2/25/09. A discussion of a proposal before the United Nations that would restrict criticism of Islam. It's being supported by many non-Islamic countries. Is Islam the one-world religion we've been waiting for? Don't miss Evil Conservative Radio next Wednesday Mar 4th at 7Pm EDT when we talk about this with guest Nathan Tabor, author of The Beast on the East River
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Iran Tests Nuke Plant, Signs 10 Yr Deal with Russia
Obama's plan to peel Russian support from the Iranian nuclear program seems more and more clueless by the day. Russia has no intention of stepping away from the program at all. Almost to prove their point, they tested the new Iranian bomb factory...I mean power plant... and signed a TEN YEAR supply agreement with the mullahcracy. They're so in-our-face about this it isn't even funny. The hook is in the jaw
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
USS Cole Dad Speaks Out; Obama Dropped Charges
EC interviews the father of fallen hero Petty Officer Gary Swenchonis. The mastermind of the attack on the USS Cole is in US custody, but Obama dropped the charges against him. Other admitted conspirators are walking free. What's going on here? Learn the truth about how US policy hasn't done squat to avenge the lives lost to Al Qaeda on that day. A must listen for any American who has ever worn a uniform, or who loves someone who does. Let's turn up the heat on our pols to do the right thing by those who gave their lives in that attack.
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Obama Releases USS Cole Killer, Dad Speaks Out on ECR; Also US Rep Charles Boustany (R-LA) Live 7EDT
Evil Conservative Radio at 7PM on Wednesday, 25 February:
Listen Live Here
1. Before 9/11, Al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen. 17 American heroes were murdered, including 26 year old Navy Fireman, Petty Officer Gary Swenchonis. On Feb 5, Obama dropped the charges against mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. EC is honored to interview Petty Officer Swenchonis' father about this betrayal, and his subsequent refusal to meet with Obama. Every American who ever wore a uniform should support Gary Swenchonis, Sr. and be irate at this abomination.
2. EC will interview US Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA), about Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd, the direction of our foreign policy, and is Obama's collectivist agenda constitutional? Will Obama's collectivist drive end up any better than the bloody collectivizations of other societies? We'll also get Rep. Boustany's opinion on Obama's treatment of the USS Cole case, and what that means for our fighting men and women.
ECR is ready to hit hard tomorrow night. Make sure you wear a chinstrap.
Remember, the government produces nothing, so anything they give you had to be stolen from someone else first.
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Listen Live Here
1. Before 9/11, Al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen. 17 American heroes were murdered, including 26 year old Navy Fireman, Petty Officer Gary Swenchonis. On Feb 5, Obama dropped the charges against mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. EC is honored to interview Petty Officer Swenchonis' father about this betrayal, and his subsequent refusal to meet with Obama. Every American who ever wore a uniform should support Gary Swenchonis, Sr. and be irate at this abomination.
2. EC will interview US Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA), about Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd, the direction of our foreign policy, and is Obama's collectivist agenda constitutional? Will Obama's collectivist drive end up any better than the bloody collectivizations of other societies? We'll also get Rep. Boustany's opinion on Obama's treatment of the USS Cole case, and what that means for our fighting men and women.
ECR is ready to hit hard tomorrow night. Make sure you wear a chinstrap.
Remember, the government produces nothing, so anything they give you had to be stolen from someone else first.
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Katie Couric: "There's the White Guy (Biden)"
Katie Couric celebrates a post-racial society Obama style by pointing out Biden: "There's the white guy." Question: If that were turned around and she said of Obama "And there's the black guy," ... would that be less appropriate?
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Circle Jerk: Attendees Praise Fiscal Summit, Obama Econ Guru Falls Asleep
It's really amazing that the Republican participants at Obama's "fiscal sustainability summit" all had nothing but gushing praise for the lip service paid to responsibility only days after passing the most irresponsible spending act in the history of mankind.
They came up with all sorts of guidelines they can follow until the next manufactured crisis when the Dems throw all the rules out the window and enlist the media to help them shove the next huge expansion of government down our throats.
Barack Obama on Monday launched what he promised would be an enduring bipartisan process to bring down the fiscal deficits that have started to explode under his watch.
Mr Obama, who called 130 lawmakers and members of think-tanks to the White House for what he described as a “fiscal sustainability summit”, added that by the end of his first term, he would halve the budget deficit he inherited from George W. Bush.
He also promised to deliver a more transparent budget that would factor in the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, natural disasters and the likelihood that Mr Bush’s tax cuts would expire in 2010. Mr Obama’s headline budget is due to be announced on Thursday.
“In order to address our fiscal crisis, we have to be candid about its scope,” Mr Obama said. “For too long, our budget process in Washington has been an exercise in deception, a series of accounting tricks to hide the extent of our spending and the shortfalls in our revenue.”
Some critics dismissed the half-day gathering as a public relations stunt in the midst of galloping budget deficits. Last week saw the signing of the $787bn fiscal stimulus package, while this year’s budget deficit is expected to exceed $1,500bn.
But participants said the event charted a course that could result in bipartisan action to rein in the sharply rising costs of entitlements, particularly on healthcare. Although Mr Obama denied suffering from “summititis”, he promised another summit next week on healthcare reform.
“To devote this much time to long-term fiscal discipline in the middle of everything else that is on is plate is a very encouraging sign,” said Maya MacGuineas, head of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, who attended the sustainability summit. “He has planted a clear flag in the ground for fiscal discipline.”
Analysts said the meeting could result in the creation of a bipartisan commission that would work to a deadline later this year. “It might sound odd to be spending like a drunken sailor and holding meetings about fiscal discipline, but it does make sense,” said Norm Ornstein, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Although Lawrence Summers, head of the National Economic Council, fell asleep on the podium, most attendees, including Republicans, appear to have appreciated the exercise. There was even some light-heartedness.
John McCain, the former presidential candidate, recommended Mr Obama get rid of his planned new presidential helicopter, the cost of which now equals that of Air Force One. Mr Obama said the existing chopper was adequate, but added that he had no experience of personal helicopters.
FT Article
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Pastor Manning Responds to NY Post Obama/Chimp Controversy
The Hon. James David Manning, PhD discusses the political cartoon about the police commenting on the 2009 recovery stimulus bill while shooting a violent chimpanzee. This message comes from The Manning Report 18 February 2009.
If you listen to ECR regularly, then you know that Pastor Manning feels passionately that liberalism is killing the African-American community in America, and that Barack Obama brazenly used his race to gain the White House, and in the process stole something of great value to African-Americans.
Warning - Some language is objectionable
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If you listen to ECR regularly, then you know that Pastor Manning feels passionately that liberalism is killing the African-American community in America, and that Barack Obama brazenly used his race to gain the White House, and in the process stole something of great value to African-Americans.
Warning - Some language is objectionable
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Santelli Stands Up to White House Threats
Rick Santelli on the G. Gordon Liddy show earlier today. This guy is a GREAT American, standing up to implied threats from White House thugs like Robert Gibbs and broadside attacks in the media. Let me start it now - Santelli for Anything in 2010.
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ECR Tomorrow Night: USS Cole Dad, US Rep Boustany (R-LA)
Evil Conservative Radio at 7PM on Wednesday, 25 February:
Listen Live Here
1. Before 9/11, Al Qaeda attacked the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen. 17 American heroes were murdered, including 26 year old Navy Fireman, Petty Officer Gary Swenchonis. On Feb 5, Obama dropped the charges against mastermind Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. EC is honored to interview Petty Officer Swenchonis' father about this betrayal, and his subsequent refusal to meet with Obama. Every American who ever wore a uniform should support Gary Swenchonis, Sr. and be irate at this abomination.
2. EC will interview US Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA), about Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd, the direction of our foreign policy, and is Obama's collectivist agenda constitutional? Will Obama's collectivist drive end up any better than the bloody collectivizations of other societies? We'll also get Rep. Boustany's opinion on Obama's treatment of the USS Cole case, and what that means for our fighting men and women.
ECR is ready to hit hard tomorrow night. Make sure you wear a chinstrap.
Remember, the government produces nothing, so anything they give you had to be stolen from someone else first.
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Hilarious Video of NYU Student Thug Disobedience Coming to an End
These little Che Guevaras and Obamas finally ran everyone's patience at NYU to an end. highlights are: spouting the usual mob-rule collectivist nonsense about "democratic process," threatening the administration, shouts of "police brutality," and, my personal favorite, trying to tell the security and police staffs what they can and cannot do..It's classic collectivist nonsense. If I came away with anything from this video, it's that I do not want my kids to go to NYU. What a bunch of snotty little Ches.
It's kind of sobering to think that the sort of loopy collectivists that did this... are the same sort that brought chaos to campuses in the sixties... are like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn... are the same sort of people running our country now... God help us.
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It's kind of sobering to think that the sort of loopy collectivists that did this... are the same sort that brought chaos to campuses in the sixties... are like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn... are the same sort of people running our country now... God help us.
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Welcome to 1997 - DJIA at 7114; Market Fears Obama Fascism More than 9/11 Terror
The market reacted today to Obama's fiscal responsibility summit at the White House by declining to levels we haven't seen since 1997. The market fears Obama more than 9-11, considering that slamming two planeloads of people into the world's financial center sent the DJIA to 7700 on the first day of trading after the attacks. Thirty days of Obama has done far worse damage. Really makes you look forward to the next 47 months doesn't it?
The really amazing thing is that it took Al Qaeda years of planning to execute 9/11, but Obama's done his damage in just over 30 days in office. This excellent short video from Villareal Media puts it in perspective nicely.
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The really amazing thing is that it took Al Qaeda years of planning to execute 9/11, but Obama's done his damage in just over 30 days in office. This excellent short video from Villareal Media puts it in perspective nicely.
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Stimulate This! - Obama Pledges $1 Billion in "Aid" to Gaza/Hamas
Any sane person knew that the "peace" in Gaza was going to last just long enough for Hamas to re-arm. Few people expected them to re-arm with the help of $1 Billion from cash-strapped US taxpayers. I know Obama likes to yap about how he won and his proxies love to say he has a mandate. I don't recall "arming psychos for jihad" on many priority lists this last election season. But then I don't frequent the Daily Kos.
The United States plans to pledge more than $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's offensive against Hamas and strengthen the Palestinian Authority, a U.S. official said on Monday. The money will be channeled through UN and other bodies and will not be distributed via the militant group Hamas, which rules Gaza, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton plans to make the announcement next week at a Gaza donors conference in Egypt. The March 2 donors conference in Sharm el-Sheikh resort aims to raise humanitarian and rebuilding funds for Gaza after Israel's offensive against Hamas at the end of last year. About 1,300 Palestinians were killed during the campaign, according to Gaza officials, as were 13 Israelis.
Articles Here
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How to Destroy the World's Greatest Economy and Gain Absolute Power in 8 Easy Steps
How in hell did we get where we are right now? Lots of people are asking themselves that question as the greatest nation in the history of the world teeters on the precipice. The precipice of what? The precipice of a nightmare of collectivism and government control of our lives. I thought it might be useful to look at how Obama and the hate-America left are accomplishing what they really want more than anything- the comeuppance of America.
Step 1 - Undermine the integrity of the credit system. That can be accomplished by whining endlessly about "unfairness" in lending practices, lumping individuals into convenient groups and demanding, even legislating, that all GROUPS should be lent to equally. That forces lenders to ignore the borrower's ability to repay, in order to comply with onerous federal regulations like the Community Reinvestment Act that require you to loan to specific GROUPS.
Step 2 - Use strength in the economy to extend Step 1 to the breaking point. Encourage undocumented loans to illegal aliens and the chronically jobless, and make sure that federally chartered institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are run by people who are "down for the struggle," and who will use their positions to encourage and engage in MASSIVE fraud... distorting home prices and creating an enormous bubble.
Step 3 - Use positions in key places like the House Finance Committee to run interference for the fraud. Accuse anyone looking into the matter or showing concern of racism against the favored GROUPS, identified by race or class. Deny, deny, deny. If you're really ballsy, you can even say that anyone asking questions is just trying to raise a "general shibboleth," and make sure and comment on the "outstanding leadership" that the federal institutions have.... even as they spin towards the edge.
Step 4 - At an opportune political moment, like, say... an election year, have someone do a kneecap job on one of the more overextended lenders... like IndyMac Bank, and create a panic over the wild lending practices of the banks. That will get the ball rolling fast.
Step 5 - Accuse the banks of manipulation and dishonesty. Say that the banks wanted to make the loans out of greed. It's ALMOST the truth.. they had to make the bad loans to get leverage to make the good ones. Since the banks are imploding at this time, they won't put much effort into denying the charge.... and no one will look at YOU as the cause.
Step 6 - Now that the banks are imploding, offer them a hand. Give them a HUGE bailout package that is guaranteed to piss of voters and, we all know, won't do a damn thing to solve the problem, but it WILL create huge class envy and anger... and we know who that benefits. Use this anger to gain more control over the private sector... you can even say they NEED it! It's brilliant, because you gain control over the institutions even as you use our economic freedom like so much political capital to enrage the mindless masses.
Step 7 - After winning the election, have the President talk down the markets relentlessly. Offer NO HOPE but government. Say ONLY GOVERNMENT can solve our current crisis. Don't entertain any other solutions and use the world's biggest bully pulpit to attack the free market system. Show how it has failed the people.... and offer a "better" way... collectivize problems and use the alienation of the merchant class as a lever against capitalism in general. Again, they are now on the dole, so they won't say anything.
Step 8 - After all of this, some people will be begging for the government to take control, and, after you have peed in the capitalist pool and scared away as many investors as you can.. only one investor remains standing who is dumb enough to invest in such a losing situation.... the government.
Finally - Banks control capital. Capital is necessary for capitalism. Control the banks and you can kill capitalism. Game over.
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Iran Acknowledges Involvement in Attacks in Iraq
Iran admitted involvement in the terror war in Iraq, offering to stop attacking British troops in exchange for British support for their nuclear ambitions, the Telegraph is reporting today. Will this endanger Obama's budding bro-mance with Mahmoud Ahmedinejad? Probably not. Our totalitarian leader likes their totalitarian leader and who the hell are you to have a problem with that?
Sir John Sawers, the British ambassador to the United Nations, revealed that Iranian officials openly acknowledged complicity in attacks that killed scores of British soldiers in southern Iraq.
In private talks in hotels around Europe, the unnamed Iranians floated a grand bargain that would have derailed efforts to impose sanctions on Iran to stop its covert nuclear programme.
"There were various Iranians who would come to London and suggest we had tea in some hotel or other," Sir John tells the final part of a BBC documentary on the Islamic Republic's relations with the West, to be broadcast on Saturday. "They'd do the same in Paris, they'd do the same in Berlin, and then we'd compare notes among the three of us.
"The Iranians wanted to be able to strike a deal whereby they stopped killing our forces in Iraq in return for them being allowed to carry on with their nuclear programme: 'We stop killing you in Iraq, stop undermining the political process there, you allow us to carry on with our nuclear programme without let or hindrance'."
Iran supplied arms, training and strategic direction to Shia Muslim militias that were battling British forces for control of Basra and other southern cities. Iran supplied the militias with a deadly bomb, the shaped-charge explosive device, that required precision engineering at its military factories.
As Iran marks the 30th anniversary of the revolution that turned out the Shah and installed a cleric-led regime, senior figures have openly discussed a series of secret deals with West. Iran had used its involvement in hostage taking during the Lebanese war to break its isolation in the 1980s.
Iran also gave the US intelligence on Taliban and al-Qaeda locations in Afghanistan on several occasions and offered to join a coalition against Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
A former Iranian president, Hashemi Rafsanjani, told the programme that he had personally authorised Iran's role in ordering the release of Western hostages, including Terry Waite and John McCarthy, after a plea from President George Bush.
Telegraph Article
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All Hail Ronaldus Magnus! - He Soooo Saw this Coming
This is Ronald Reagan in 1961, riffing against some scheme that the left had then to socialize medicine. The scary part is that, if you change the names, he could just as easily be talking today. Nothing about the totalitarian left has changed, except that they are now 50 years closer to reaching their goal of collectivizing, socializing, and controlling us all. Reagan was alarmed and ticked then.... we should be royally pissed off now.
This guy should run for President
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This guy should run for President
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Ahnold on Health Care: Abandon Your Principles
The worst governor in America went on TV today with a message for his fellow Republicans. If socialized healthcare and collectivist solutions contradict your principles - abandon them!
Note to Ahnold - Principles are the things that you never abandon... and cannot set aside.
This guy is rapidly becoming a case study in why we need tighter immigration laws.
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Note to Ahnold - Principles are the things that you never abandon... and cannot set aside.
This guy is rapidly becoming a case study in why we need tighter immigration laws.
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Oscar Night Surprise - Govt Increasing Stake in Citibank
With default rates soaring, mostly on loans the government forced, and the market tanking, thanks in part to Obama's message of hopelessness, Citibank is being eyed for a larger stake by the government, The Wall Street Journal is reporting. What a scam... more on that later. Right now just digest this - the nationalization of banking in the US is definitely happening... no matter what Obama's mouthpieces say to calm roiling markets. And oh yeah, they released this business news on a Sunday night during the go watch TV.
Citigroup Inc. is in talks with federal officials that could result in the U.S. government substantially expanding its ownership of the struggling bank, according to people familiar with the situation.
While the discussions could fall apart, the government could wind up holding as much as 40% of Citigroup's common stock. Bank executives hope the stake will be closer to 25%, these people said.
Any such move would give federal officials far greater influence over one of the world's largest financial institutions. Citigroup has proposed the plan to its regulators. The Obama administration hasn't indicated if it supports the plan, according to people with knowledge of the talks.
When federal officials began pumping capital into U.S. banks last October, few experts would have predicted that the government would soon be wrestling with the possibility of taking voting control of large financial institutions.
WSJ Article
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TARP Funds Located?: Nigerian Scam Hits Citibank for $27 Million
Paul Amos, a Nigerian citizen, was arrested trying to enter the US through Los Angeles last week, for scamming $27 million from Citibank. I wonder if this worked with other banks. Maybe that's why none of them want to tell us where the TARP funds are... they sent it all to Nigerian scammers. Well, with so much free money floating around, and losses subsidized by taxpayer money, why bother to check these things?
To carry out the elaborate scheme, prosecutors in New York said on Friday, the man, identified as Paul Gabriel Amos, 37, a Nigerian citizen who lived in Singapore, worked with others to create official-looking documents that instructed Citibank to wire the money in two dozen transactions to accounts that Mr. Amos and the others controlled around the world.
The money came from a Citibank account in New York held by the National Bank of Ethiopia, that country’s central bank. Prosecutors said the conspirators, contacted by Citibank to verify the transactions, posed as Ethiopian bank officials and approved the transfers.
Mr. Amos was arrested last month as he tried to enter the United States through Los Angeles, a prosecutor, Marcus A. Asner, said in Federal District Court in Manhattan.
NY Times Article
Apparently Citibank got taken in by a letter a lot like this one I got last week.
Dear friend I am MS Sharon John
Dear friend please ,permit me to inform you of my desire of asking you to be a guardian or foster parent to me and then help me out in what I am about to tell you. I know this may sound strange to you , receiving a mail from an unknown person, but my condition has forced me to do that.
I Miss Sharon John 19 years ,the only daughter of Late Mr. & Mrs.John Kossi my father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant here in Lome, the economic capital of Togo. He was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their outings on a business trip,my mother died when I was very small.
Before the death of my father on April. 2007 in a private hospital here in Lome here, he secretly called me by his
bed side and told me that he deposited Four and half MLN United States of American currency in a suspense account in one of the big banks here in Togo.
He then strongly advised me not to seek for assistance in the investment of the money from his lawyer nor any of his friend here but to seek for a foreign partner from a country of my choice (outside our country Togo) that will assist me in the wise investment of the money.I have since left the money in the bank with the view of my making use of it for investment purposes after my education carrier here. But as you may be already aware by now, our country (Togo) is presently at political crises. For this ugly development in this country, I have now decided to take quick actions to have this money transferred out of this country before it is too late for me in doing that.
I now want to transfer it out and use it for investment purpose like real estate management or hotel management.
Because of this i
am honorably seeking your assistance in the following ways:
(1) To serve as a guardian to me and then assist me transfer the money into your bank account. (2) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and then settle there parmanently. If you accept to stand as my guardian or foster parent to me, i need not discuss on any percentage with you as you have to see the whole money as yours and then assist me invest it. But if you still want a percentage, i am willing to offer you, 30 % of the total money as compensation for your assistance. Please tell me if you feel the percentage i offered is not ok by you.As soon as i receive your concrete assurance to assist me with my proposal and also you should send your full contact address/phone number which I will then give the bank your contact information and then tell them to transfer the money into your account as I want to come over to stay with you parmanently.
The bank will then contact you and communicate with you on the transfer. You shall then be giving me information on when the transfer will be over. No matter what your decision may turn out to be, please I beg you to keep this highly secret for my safety, as I believe that those people that killed my Daddy are still after me.Please reply
me through this my private box
Thanks and God bless you .
Best regards,
Ms.Sharon John
Contant me at
NY Times Article
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Jindal on Meet The Press: Not Taking Some $, Senators Haven't Read the Bill
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal went on Meet the Press this morning, and stood his ground in criticism of Obama's Trillion-Dollar Turd. I liked what he said, but I wish he had spoken more of the coercive nature of Obama's plans for the US, and the violence that is implicit in them, such as ACORN openly breaking into homes. Anyway, it's a start.
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OK Muslim Woman Gets Special Treatment at DMV
I wonder if she thinks about the fact that the same law she says requires her to wear her headgear would, if followed, not allow her to drive at all. Ironical, as W would say.
ECR has been all over this kind of stuff, interviewing Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch about Stealth Jihad just last week. Check it out.
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ECR has been all over this kind of stuff, interviewing Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch about Stealth Jihad just last week. Check it out.
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Hold Your Breath - Obama Set to Regulate Carbon Dioxide
It's hard to imagine a rationale that would have the government declare each and every person in America a danger to the environment, but that's exactly what Obama's new Global Warming Czar, Carol Browner, just did.
The last time I checked, the scientific community was still divided on whether or not global warming even exists, and yet our government is rushing forward with plans to control everything from automobile manufacture to, presumably, our personal exhalations, in an effort to "combat" it.
Now, in the quest to eliminate carbon from our environment (it's awful stuff, so we hear), they are going after carbon dioxide. That's what we exhale. It's also what plants breathe. I wonder how many Obama voters know that?
Take a deep breath. Now let it out. How does it feel to be an environmental criminal?
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's climate czar said Sunday the Environmental Protection Agency would soon issue a rule on regulation of carbon dioxide, finding that it represents a danger to the public.
The White House is pressing Congress to draft and pass legislation that would cut greenhouse gases by 80% of 1990 levels by 2050, threatening to use authorities under the Clean Air Act if legislators don't move fast enough or create strong enough provisions.
Carol Browner, Obama's special adviser on climate change and energy, also said the administration was seeking to establish a national standard for auto emissions that could mean tougher efficiency mandates for automakers.
"EPA's going to look at Mass. Vs. EPA and will make an endangerment finding," Browner told Dow Jones Newswires in an interview. The Supreme Court ordered the EPA in the case to determine if carbon dioxide endangered public health or welfare.
"The next step is a notice of proposed rulemaking," for new regulations on CO2 emissions, Ms. Browner said one the sidelines of the National Governors Association meeting, one of her first public appearances since inauguration.
Ms. Browner declined to say exactly when the EPA would issue the finding or rulemaking, but EPA chief Lisa Jackson has indicated it could be on April 2, the anniversary of Mass Vs. EPA.
Officially recognizing that carbon dioxide is a danger to the public sets would trigger regulation of the greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants, refineries, chemical plants, cement firms, vehicles and any other emitting sectors across the economy.
Industry fears it could shut down the economy, not only preventing plants to operate and a drastic retooling of the energy sector but also pushing costs up uncompetitively, while environmentalists say that Administration action is required by law and to pressure lawmakers to act.
But Ms. Browner said the Administration would prefer that Congress would draft legislation rather than co2 to be regulation under the Clean Air Act because lawmakers could develop a bill that could more deftly regulate the greenhouse gas through a cap-and-trade system.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) said Friday he aimed to pass a climate change bill by the end of the summer, and Rep. Henry Waxman (D., Calif.) head of the panel responsible for drafting a co2 bill, said he wanted a bill approved by Memorial Day.
Ms. Browner also declined to say what the Administration's target date for Congress to pass a climate bill before accelerating the Clean Air Act rulemaking - officials can speed up or slow down the process -- but called Waxman's schedule an "aggressive" one.
"In the next several weeks we will begin to see the shape of legislation ... (and) we will work with Congress as they shape it," she later told a group of Western Governors.
The climate czar dismissed critics of fast, stringent climate change laws that have said that the existing financial crisis would only be exacerbated by putting a premium on emitting carbon dioxide. She said businesses hoping to invest in CO2 mitigation projects needed more certain policy signals to plow cash into projects and companies, and that the rulemaking subsequent to legislation would create a buffer for action and compliance.
Specifically, Mr. Obama wants an economy-wide law -- instead of just some major emitting sectors -- and to auction off 100% of the emission credits, which analysts say could exponentially increase the cost of emitting -- and the pay-off for low-carbon projects.
Ms. Browner also said the Administration had directed the EPA and the Department of Transportation to develop a national policy for auto emissions, but declined to elaborate. The DOT is currently developing new auto efficiency standards, but the Administration is currently considering a request from California to implement their own much stricter standards that is likely to be followed by more than a dozen other states. The Administration could seek to implement the California standards, or a negotiated version.
Car makers have expressed concern not only about the costs of meeting the tough new standards, but also having to make cars that have to meet two different mandates.
Separately, Ms. Browner said the Administration was also going to create an inter-agency task force to site a new national electricity transmission grid to meet both growing demand and the President's planned renewable energy expansion. Siting has been a major bottleneck to renewable growth, and lawmakers and Administration officials have said they're likely to seek greater federal powers that would give expanded eminent domain authorities.
Wall Street Journal Article
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