Saturday, January 1, 2011

WaPo’s Colby King Finds Christine O’Donnell Worse Than South Carolina's Alvin Greene

Colby King probably also finds compact flourescent bulbs preferable to incandescent bulbs, and busywork government jobs preferable to profitable industry...

from: NewsBusters

 On Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, during a discussion of the biggest political mistakes of the year, Washington Post columnist Colby King asserted that the Delaware Republican Party's choice of Christine O'Donnell for U.S. Senate was an even worse choice than the South Carolina Democratic Party's selection of Alvin Greene in that state's Senate election to face Republican Senator Jim DeMint. Greene was facing charges at the time for showing pornography to a college student as he tried to seduce her in a computer lab at the University of South Carolina.

Below is a transcript of King's comments from the Friday, December 31, Inside Washington on PBS:

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