Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dozens of Twitter users call for Palin’s death

ANYONE the left hates this much has to be alright. But Sarah Palin? I liked her alot to begin with. This may be love.

A video on YouTube showcases dozens of tweets, sent in the aftermath of Saturday’s Arizona massacre, that call for the death of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

Some of the Tweeters wish Palin would die of cancer, while others advocate for her assassination.

“My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow. I think this woman should be assassinated,” said one person. “Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats,” says another.

Numerous left-wing commentators have accused Palin of inspiring the attack on Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that left 6 dead. The Daily Caller’s Jim Treacher reported that liberal blogger Matthew Yglesias, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas, actress Jane Fonda, film critic Roger Ebert, and filmmaker Michael Moore all took to Twitter within hours of the attack to accuse Palin of being in some way responsible.


Dozens of Twitter users call for Palin’s death | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

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