Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lefties Angry About Fred Upton's Climate Changeup

Good for Fred Upton (R-MI). Hopefully this is a sign of impending sanity, with regards to how our lawmakers view their ability/willingness to try and control the environment, as well as the thoroughly phony science that underlies such government activism.

In the past, Upton—the incoming chair of the House energy and commerce committee—has advocated taking action on global warming. "I strongly believe that everything must be on the table as we seek to reduce carbon emissions," he once stated on his website. But that statement recently vanished from his site—along with, it seems, his concern about global warming. Following a tea party-aided Republican takeover of the House and a heated fight for the chairmanship of the powerful committee, Upton's position on climate change has veered closer to those of his global-warming-denying caucus-mates. And he's now vowing to use his new role to thwart efforts to cut emissions.

Who knows...maybe Lindsey Graham will be next to take off his dunce cap?

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