Monday, January 3, 2011


If you're in NYC, I urge you to support Pamela Geller on this. With enough outrage, we CAN get this abomination moved. I may just turn up there myself...



The Ground Zero mega mosque Imam Rauf is kicking off his US mosquestrosity tour at Hamas conspirator banquet.

The Ayatollah of Bloomstan is working feverishly to erect the Ground Zero mosquestrosity. This is the madman's focus. The NY snowstorm exhibited what a bloody failure this quisling is, bullied by organized labor and unions that did nothing the first 24 hours. What adifference a schmuck makes.

The same malevolent power is pulling the strings behind the Wal-Mart ban, and the NYC Council is only to happy to serve its master. NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn is a shrill mosque shill. She and Bloomberg's toolbox is refusing to allow jobs and lower prices in Manhattan. Who do these officials represent?

DNAInfo:— A trove of newly released e-mails reveals a close relationship between Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s commissioners and the founders of Park51.

Ninety pages of e-mails dating back to 2009 show that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan relied heavily on City Hall for advice and assistance as they moved forward in their plans to build a mosque and community center two blocks north of the World Trade Center.

After the pair presented their vision to Community Board 1’s Financial District Committee in May, Nazli Parvizi, commissioner of the mayor’s Community Affairs Unit, ghostwrote a letter from Khan to CB1 Chairwoman Julie Menin, thanking Menin for supporting the project.

After several back-and-forth e-mails tweaking the letter, Parvizi advised Rauf to get it to Menin as soon as possible to "keep her on your good side."

Menin said she never received the letter. [me thinks she's a liar - Atlas]

Menin bloomberg

Photo: Bruce Menin, Julie Menin, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Diana Taylor

Park51’s/Cordoba backers also exchanged many e-mails with Fatima Shama, commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.

"We need some guidance on how to tackle the opposition," Khan wrote to Shama on May 10, as the first wave of press reports about the plans flooded in.

Earlier in the year, Shama also helped secure a temporary Buildings Department permit so Rauf could continue holding Friday services in the future mosque site at 45-51 Park Place, which does not have a certificate of occupancy.


Bloomberg rauf

They're emailing each other?

Bloomberg defines kapo.
Please protest the Ground Zero Mosque at these ridiculous hearings. Expose the hyprocrisy of the NYC Council and Bloomberg's toolbox. No Wal-Mart, but taxpayer funds for a 15-story victory mosque in a buidling destroyed in the 911 attacks.
I do not share their death wish. They answer to the people. Not the other way around. Be there.
Come with signs. Here are sign ideas.

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Downtown by Design
Battery Park community center will be state of the art

Park51 backers aiming to build a 13-story Muslim Center near Ground Zero claim they will be constructing a much needed community center for the downtown neighborhood, yet a $73 million, 60,000-square foot community center is already under construction a few blocks away.

The Battery Park Community Center is being built within the base of two new [unintelligible] Properties high-rise residentialcondominium towers: the Liberty Lane and Liberty Green, now under construction on North End Avenue.

The community center project itself was designed by Hanrahan Meyers with the goal of the highest environmentally friendly Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum certification being overseen by environmental consultants [unintelligible].

Kevin G. Harney, principal and CFO of Stalco Construction, which is building the community center, said that while some companies find LEED work challenging, they found it “enticing,” because they have been involved in many other LEED projects.

“From air quality to debris removal, we are under strict guidelines,” Harney added.Mosque sign 2

The community center will be housed on the street level, in a mezzanine and on two underground levels of the towers. Along with the main lobby with an atrium, the facilities will include an adult swimming pool, a children’s pool, a gymnasium and fitness center, locker rooms, a theater/auditorium, dance studios, classrooms, offices, a cafeteria, kitchen, bathrooms, and storage and equipment rooms.

Even those that are simply passersby will be drawn to the curving 550-foot long outer glass arcade wall that runs alongside two ball fields and a soccer field facing West Street just north of the World Trade Center site. The arcade wall will feature a patterned interpretation of a composition, “Water,” commissioned by composer Michael Schumacher, said Thomas Hanrahan, RA, and a partner with Hanrahan Meyers’ Partner.

“Schumacher’s composition is represented visually in the digitized form in the pattern of the glass wall,” noted Victoria Meyer, a partner with Hanrahan Meyer. “The music will be also accessible through a smartphone application that will allow visitors to hear the score simply by pointing their phones at the wall, with different sections playing a different part of the composition.”

Inside the building, the glass wall fronts two swimming pools and a gymnasium. The interiors will feature metal panel and plaster over concrete ceilings, tile flooring, along with a sports hardwood floor inside the gymnasium.



  1. I am so angry at Islam and if you're not too, then I can honestly say that you are sick . Islam violates so many human right it should disgust any half-decent human being to the core.

    Islam ordains that apostates are to be killed (not quickly but by stoning so that they can die SLOWLY and PAINFULLY), it orders limb amputations for petty theft, allows raping women, orders lashings, allows for Muslim men to beat their wives, that women are blame if they're raped, that molesting little girls is perfectly ok, it orders those who insult Islam and all those who do not submit to it are to be killed by beheading and cutting of their hands and feet.

    Dont feed me that pure bullshit that this isnt part of Islam, everyone of these acts are legislated by the Quran and Islamic scripture from the hadith.

    Then theres all these ignorant who dont know jackshit about islam, they try to be politically correct and applaud themselves themselves for being open minded; they'll do that right up the moment the jihadists slit their throats.

    To say that it is racist to criticize Islam is like saying its racist to criticize Nazism, it doesn't make sense, they're both hateful and inhumane ideologies. These wars arent about foreign policy, it never was.

    This war was started when Muhammad (shit be upon him) ordered all Muslims to fight disbelievers until you convert them or subjugate them to dhimmis (second-class status where they're forbidden to preach their religion carry religious relics under penalty of beheading), if they refuse it warrant their deaths.

    This is a global jihad to make one islamic state, are you blind? Look whats happening in virtually every country: mylasia, indonesia, pakistan, afghanistan, iraq, iran, spain, saudi arabia, nigeria, somalia, morroco, egypt, britain, etc... muslims are killing innocent people left and right!

    These Muslims are following in the footsteps Muhammad who killed a bunch of innocent people, who was a pedophile that fd Aisha who was just she NINE years old, who lead caravan raids, who severed the heads of over 800 jews of the banu qurayzah tribe, owned blacked slaves, he brutally tortured people by burning their eye out and cutting off their limbs, he ordered the assassinations of poets like abu afak and asma bint marwan who undermined his authority, he was a fucking epileptic madman.

    So when you see these crazy infantile Muslims threatening to kill people over some cartoons, should it be any surprise when they consider a man like this to be "the best example for mankind"?

    Islam is unique among other religions, it mandates to establish sharia to the land through jihad (this one of the pillars), its goal is world domination it always has been from the very moment of its conception. We need to stop being politically correct, because islam will undoubtedly kill us all if keep spreading the lies that it is peaceful.

  2. You said a mouthful, but you're dead on. I vacillate between concern that it is our #1 threat, and the concern that the liberal blindness to reality and commitment to political correctness that is advancing their cause so effectively.
