Monday, January 3, 2011

Liberals see Palin in Every Shadow

Here's a little tidbit from the wildly liberal blog Talking Points Memo. Normally, who would care who some freshman congressman hired as his Chief of Staff? No one. Only this hired staffer has been (kind of, sort of... I mean they lived in the same town, for crying out loud) connected to..... you guessed it - Sarah Palin. I find it entertaining when the left gets kooky. Let the conspiracy theories roll...

This Can't End Well

Rep.-elect Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has hired former Wasila, AK, dentist Rob Robinson as his chief of staff. Robinson introduced Gosar to Sarah Palin, who later endorsed Gosar's campaign. Gosar has also named Palin family lawyer Thomas Van Flein to be his legislative director and deputy chief of staff. Van Flein handled the Troopergate scandal, among other things, for the Palins. Roll Call's Daniel Newhauser has the story.

This Can't End Well | Talking Points Memo

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