Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pravda: Arizona Shooting Site Is ‘Palin Gunshot Site’; Tea Party To Blame

It would be shocking, if it weren't so predictable

from: Big Journalism

Big Peace's Sun Tzu catches Russian propaganda:

Russia's Pravda comes out with their view that the fault in the tragic shooting in Arizona lies with….Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.  An excerpt:

"And what happened today is a further example of this animosity which seemed to slide into bed with American society just at the same time that this Tea Party nonsense was springing up. Could it not be doing far more harm than good? And to what extent does American society need Palin right now?"

You mean "How screwed would Russia be if a hardliner in foreign policy was president right now?"

Read story on:

found with BuzzBox News App on my Android phone

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