Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Awesome! Peter King has "Contempt" for "Mouthpiece" NY Times

In an interview with The Hill, New York Republican Rep. Peter King didn’t mince words about his feelings towards The New York Times.

“I have nothing but contempt for them,” King said. “They should be indicted under the Espionage Act. … The New York Times is just basically being a mouthpiece for political correctness.”

King’s comments come in response to a recent New York Times editorial that painted a rather negative portrait of his interactions with the Muslim community.

“It is disturbing to listen to Representative Peter King, the incoming chairman of the Homeland Security Committee,” the piece reads. “‘He has announced plans to hold a hearing next month into what he calls the ‘radicalization of the American Muslim community.’ Mr. King, a New York Republican, is no stranger to bluster, but his sweeping slur on Muslim citizens is unacceptable.”

New York Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said in an updated version of The Hill article, “We continue to believe that Rep. King’s plan to hold hearings next month on what he calls the ‘radicalization of the American Muslim community’ is an unacceptable slur on the vast majority of hardworking and law abiding American Muslims.”

King claims it’s safe to say he won’t be caught knocking on Gray Lady’s door for advice.

“I’m certainly not going to take any political advice or direction from The New York Times,” King said. “I have more contempt for The New York Times than anything or anyone I can think of.”

The Daily Caller reported in December that New York Times editor-in-chief Bill Keller is a registered Democrat.

Rep. Peter King has ‘nothing but contempt’ for the New York Times | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

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