Friday, January 7, 2011

Hooray! Boehner Speaks Out for School Choice

Nice way to start things, Speaker Boehner! As a parent of three elementary school-age boys, I have to pay tuition for their Catholic school, as well as paying  public school taxes. What that means is that I have to pay for my kids' education, as well as paying for my neighbors' kids' education. The idea of funding education by forcing and coercing homeowners into subsidizing other families offends me on principle.


  1. Wonderful!

    I work with groups of homeschoolers and see for myself how much homeschooling can offer.

  2. I'm a big homeschooling fan, too. Wish I could do it with my boys, but I think our local Catholic school is outstanding. I know that there's no way I would ever turn over my kids to the government for 6+ hours a day.
