Monday, January 3, 2011

Health Reform Repeal Bill Text Says GOP Ready for a Fight

Is this the actual wording of the bill to repeal Obamacare? According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, it is. Evidently, the intent isn't to nitpick about what aspects to keep and what to throw out about Obamacare, it would throw the whole deal out.

This bill, in its current form, sends the message that the House is not of a mind to negotiate the particulars. Some will argue that the conservative cause is best served by negotiating these particulars, and (hopefully) carving something more palatable out of this hunk of crap we call Obamacare. I think that mindset plays into the creeping, sneaky incrementalism that liberals thrive in.

As it looks right now, we don't have to worry about that kind of a cave-in by the GOP. It looks like Eric Cantor and company are ready for a rumble. I think repealing the whole bill is solid thinking, but I don't see it getting through the Senate...much less overriding Obama's veto... so there has to be a strategy here that doesn't end up with Obamacare implemented.

If we're going this route, a route I happen to agree with, then I think the House needs to pass this over and over until the election in 2012... send the message that Obamacare is living on borrowed time.

I have to say I love the wording here...

Health Reform Repeal Bill | Jamie Dupree Washington Insider

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