Monday, January 3, 2011

RINOs Alexander, Corker cut deal with Obama? » Knoxville News Sentinel

U.S. Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker’s support of the New START treaty, against the advice of military leaders and members of their party, is an alarming development. Contrary to Alexander’s claim, it is reported Russia’s Vladimir Putin holds that START prohibits further development of our missile defense system, leaving our nation’s defense potentially dependent upon the flawed concept of mutual assured destruction (MAD).

President Ronald Reagan understood the danger of trusting such implacable enemies. He refused to back down to Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev’s threats over development of our anti-missile program, labeled “Star Wars” by the media. We know now that this resolute stance resulted in the Soviets returning to the bargaining table, and ultimately contributed to the collapse of the Soviet empire.

Rumor has it of a quid pro quo deal between our senators and the Obama administration concerning additional support for Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It seems more than coincidence that the News Sentinel’s headline “Y-12 will gain from treaty,” to the tune of $4 billion plus $1 billion to “help sagging pension funds.” I consider this a reckless gamble with American lives in order to trumpet that they brought home this holiday bacon. I’m frightened by this hurried decision and sickened to think this might be nothing more than outright bribery. Alexander may take comfort that both countries have sufficient nuclear warheads to blow each other to kingdom come, but I do not. America needs a demonstrably effective missile defense system.

A. R. Ewing


Letters: Alexander, Corker cut deal with Obama? » Knoxville News Sentinel

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