Monday, January 10, 2011

Joan Walsh Helps Craft Obscene Defense For Arizona Shooter: Blame Palin and the Tea Party

The Left is defending the violent thug who murdered Federal Judge John Roll, a nine year-oldchild and four others and wounded 13 more, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in Arizona on Saturday. Rather than accept the fact an evil man with murderous intent wanted his congresswoman dead, leftists are placing blame on Tea Party activists. Salon editor Joan Walsh asks, “is it really controversial to suggest that the overheated anti-government rhetoric of the last two years, with its often violent imagery, ought to be toned down? Really?”

Is it too much to ask the Joan Walsh and other leftists to stop defending violent thugs and blaming peaceful protesters for the actions of murderers?

Blaming the Tea Party is not only outrageous and wrong, but Walsh ignores actual facts when she asks, “Can’t we agree to stop urging supporters to ‘reload’ or pursue ‘Second Amendment remedies’?” Tea Party rallies have never incited violence, nor have any tea partiers committed murder, burned banks, blown up cars and cities, burned down car dealerships or new housing developments in the name of the environment, nor do tea partiers hurl bottle rockets at onlookers and beat up pedestrians while marching. That is what the Left does, not conservatives standing together for just government reform.

Heated rhetoric is not a call for violence … unless it’s actually a call for violence, as with anti-American left-wing terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Heated rhetoric is simply loud voices raised the way America’s Founding Fathers did against the British, and one another, when rallying for reform.

Still, leftists, like Salon‘s Joan Walsh must insinuate that conservatives, such as Glenn Beck, caused a deranged murderer to commit violence: 22 year-old Jared Lee Loughner “supposedly railed against the government like Tea Partiers do, he was a gold-fanatic like Glenn Beck, but he also listed the Communist Manifesto as a favorite book on his alleged MySpace page.”

I’m a gold fanatic too darling, but I’m not going to shoot up Van Cleef & Arpels because goldprices skyrocketed and I must cut back on adorning myself. I simply seek the best therapymoney can buy: shoes and handbags to carry my chocolate.

Evidence suggests Loughner is a left-wing radical, anti-American, flag-burning communist and a psychopath. But, of course, it’s far easier to blame the conservative Sarah Palin for inciting him to violence; after all, the governor is an avid hunter with a gun collection! Palin’s love of shooting sports and her map of 2010 electoral “targets” must be blamed for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, a moderate pro-Second Amendment/anti-illegal immigration Democrat, who voted in favor of Obamacare. The fact the congresswoman voted for something Palin is against must be used against Palin in order to justify the violent crimes of a psychopath, not the fact a psychopath desired to kill American leaders.

According to Joan Walsh, Palin won’t apologize for her “retreat, reload” rhetoric, nor are other conservatives taking those words back:

Sadly, to my knowledge, no conservative leader has yet called for dialing back the rage on the right in the wake of the Giffords shooting. Sarah Palin sent condolences to Giffords’ family, but said nothing about her unconscionable SarahPAC map putting 20 House members, including Giffords, in actual crosshairs for supporting healthcare reform, or her infamous Tweet telling conservatives ‘don’t retreat, reload.’ Giffords’ 2010 Tea Party challenger, Jesse Kelly, hasn’t apologized for inviting supporters to ‘shoot a fully automatic M16’ to ‘get on target for victory’ and ‘remove Gabrielle Giffords from office.’

Walsh implies that Sarah Palin actually called for the murder of Judge Roll, and that she and Kelly incited violence.

Palin’s PAC map is in no way a shooting target, as suggested by leftists; it is a map that reflects congressional voting records on Obama polices. It is not a plan for shooting and killing.

Further, Palin did send her condolences. She is a caring woman who feels empathy for a fellow leader no matter their political differences on Obamacare. Palin owes no apology to America for stating her feelings about Obamacare or an innocent map leftists want viewed as a militia-style neo-Nazi war plan.

The “don’t retreat, reload” rhetoric is an innocent metaphor, not a call to kill. Jesse Kelly never considered physically shooting an opponent or causing any physical harm whatsoever. “Remove from office” is also a phrase both parties use during campaigns. No one means physical injury by their words. Every person with the slightest amount of common sense understands phraseology. The Left, however, must place words in the mouths of the Right in order to make conservatives look violent. (Unlike the Weather Underground (seen in this video), whose violence is overlooked as necessary to stop capitalism and America’s existence by any means possible—even blowing up the Pentagon.)

The Tucson Pima Community College has stated Loughner displayed “disciplinary problems” that forced the college to call campus police five times before he dropped out of college. The collegewas aware of Loughner’s YouTube videos, as well as his radical anti-American communist views, which included assertions the college is illegal under the U.S. Constitution.

Despite Loughner’s background and vile online rhetoric, Walsh focuses on conservatives as the culprits by next blaming Sharron Angle of Nevada for the shootings by taking her Second Amendment campaign rhetoric out of context: “Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle hasn’t yet recanted her statement about the need to pursue ‘Second Amendment remedies’ if political change lags behind the Tea Party’s dreams.” Walsh knows full well she is twisting Angle’s words. Angle never called for Americans to load up and shoot leaders, and she never said kill Harry Reid. Angle was calling for the rhetorical and ballot box fight to protect the Second Amendment. Like Palin and Kelly, Angle was purposely taken out of context and misinterpreted to make conservatives appear violent.

Further pushing erroneous accusations that Tea Party conservatives are responsible for the Arizona shootings, Walsh brings up Giffords’ father’s words, those of a man in shock: “Although there’s no evidence Tea Party rhetoric had anything to do with Giffords’ shooting, it can be no surprise that her father, when asked if his daughter had enemies, told the New York Post tearfully, ‘Yeah, the whole Tea Party.’” First Walsh says there is no evidence against the tea party, but goes on to accuse the Tea Party by using Giffords’ father’s pain. Mr. Giffords should be left alone, not used to make sensational allegations for Walsh’s column.

The Left always takes the side of defending those who commit violence. This is how the Left operates: never blame evil for evil, hold conservatives responsible, point fingers at those who love America, and always look beyond communism and leftist indoctrination or terrorist acts to hurl blame and shame on those seeking to reform America justly and peacefully. The formula is clear: blame the Tea Party, accuse it of targeting Washington for violent attacks, and always defend the murderers.

Joan Walsh Helps Craft Obscene Defense For Arizona Shooter: Blame Palin and the Tea Party | NewsReal Blog

1 comment:

  1. Again, all that is evil and perverse are defended by liberals and those that are libertarian are attacked.
