Monday, March 2, 2009

Global New Deal - Does Obama Want to Be the LAST President of the United States?

News today that Obama is considering some kind of a "global new deal" scheme has me wondering aloud something that has concerned me for a while now - Is it Barack Hussein Obama's plan to make himself the LAST President of the United States?

I'm not going to build some huge case here, because this is a blog post, but, rather, I throw it out there as food for thought. On Wednesday night I'll have Nathan Tabor, the author of a great book on the United Nations' plan for world governance - The Beast on the East River, as my guest on Evil Conservative Radio (streaming here on my site). That interview just got a LOT more topical.

What kind of "global New Deal" scheme could the United States possibly participate in that would meet the muster of our Constitution? And just where the hell would a perpetually-bankrupt United Nations get the money to give anyone anything anyway? What exactly are these guys plotting anyway?

Brown Woos Obama on Global New Deal
Jonathan Oliver, Political Editor

GORDON BROWN hopes to forge a partnership with President Barack Obama in Washington this week, to call for a “global new deal” to lift the world out of recession.

As he prepares for his first White House visit since the president’s inauguration, the prime minister has hinted that he is ready to make further tax cuts to boost the UK economy.

Brown will meet Obama on Tuesday and address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Aides say he has both to demonstrate to a sceptical British public that he commands the respect of the president, and to persuade the American political establishment that global action is needed to rescue the US economy.

Brown is under pressure to persuade American political leaders to sign up to bold aims for the G20 summit of industrial and leading developing nations, which is to be held in London next month.
Related Links

* The special relationship is going global

* Obama buries Reaganomics under $3.6 trillion mountain

* Brown reaps reward of Cape Cod love-ins

Many US politicians believe economic policy should put America first, and have shown little interest in concerted global action. Brown will argue for a renewal of the transatlantic relationship, with the two powers working together to solve global economic problems.

The prime minister will borrow from the rhetoric of Franklin Roosevelt, who introduced the government-financed New Deal to tackle the US Depression of the 1930s. He will argue that his 21st century “global new deal” will also require public spending on a huge world-wide scale.

Writing in The Sunday Times today, Brown calls for “universal action to prevent the crisis spreading, to stimulate the global economy and to help reduce the severity and length of the global recession”.

His stress on continued economic “stimulation” will increase speculation about next month’s budget. No 10 sources said that, while no final decision had been taken about further tax cuts, the prime minister would do “whatever it took” to pull the UK out of recession.
Times UK Article Here

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