Monday, March 16, 2009

Bernanke Predicts Recession End This Year.....Kinda

Ben Bernanke, current Fed Chairman and one of the architects of our current fiscal crisis, makes himself a master of the obvious in this clip from 60 Minutes. It's amazing to me how the Fed Chairman, who was threatening martial law to force lawmakers to approve $700 Billion in bailouts - and who STILL hasn't come clean about where it's all gone - glides by on softball questions. Galling little clip from the man who's providing the capital for Comrade Obama's massive power grab, and one of the primary culprits responsible for both what the government is doing right now - enslaving our children and our children's children to pay for Comrade Obama's dream, AND the incredibly irresponsible fiscal policy that led up to it.

Maybe Bernanke will do better at prognostication than he did at analysis... recall in 2005 when he swore there was no housing bubble to burst?

To watch this video turn down the volume on the blue player to your right. Hint - if you lower the volume and don't hit pause, it will remember the lower setting when you refresh/return. If it doesn't start, hit REPLAY. Thanks

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