Friday, March 6, 2009

Russia Now Thinks We're Run by Idiots: Brilliant Strategy or Just Accurate?

Geneva- The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, presented her Russian counterpart with a "reset" button today, to symbolize the resetting of our diplomatic relationship. The only hitch was that the Russian word on it wasn't "reset." It was "overcharged."

Some people say that it would have been a good idea to have someone who actually spoke Russian look at the button to make sure it was right. Some people suggest that it made us look ignorant. Some people might point out that it was the State Department, after all, and they should have fluent translators available.

There is another possibility, however. It could be part of a brilliant strategy to have the Russians underestimate us. Like a political rope-a-dope. It may be that, in the words of Kramer from Seinfeld, Obama's economic and diplomatic agendas are "so crazy they're sane."

Then again, maybe not.

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