Saturday, March 7, 2009

Who's Obama Talking To on that Blackberry?

Everyone knows that Obama refused to relinquish his Blackberry, preferring to use it as a means of communication over more traditional measures used by past Presidents. In and of itself, that sounds harmless... but what about ALL of a President's written communications being archived. Are they doing that with this device?

President Bush stopped emailing his daughters because the emails would be considered public property and part of the national presidential archive of his administration. I am not clear... are the emails on Obama's Blackberry also being archived? If not, why? And just who is he communicating with anyway?

Is it possible that a man who requires a constant teleprompter for any and all public speaking engagements might be getting instructions on his Blackberry? And if so, from whom?

In the end does the President not work for us? Do we not have some right to know? Is it being archived? Will these, like President Bush's emails with his daughters, be released to the public some day? Or is our President receiving mystery emails?
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