Thursday, July 1, 2010

UN Set to Reveal New Age "Messiah"?

If you check in regularly with the Drudge Report, you probably remember the mysterious light spiral over Norway last year, and the multitude of explanations offered for it (I think we were finally told that it was a Russian missile experiment gone awry). Now there's a new light spiral in Australia, that isn't getting so much attention - and there aren't any Russian missile tests anywhere near there. So what gives?

A quick visit to the website of Share International, a creepy, occultist, messianic New Age group headed by Benjamin Creme, says these light spirals in the sky are a sign that the New Age Messiah is about to reveal himself to the world. It's easy to dismiss these people as kooks, but even more disturbing, at least to me, is that the New Agey, occultist kooks at Share International are funded by the United Nations, and that they were predicting these new, mysterious "stars" back in 2008.

So at the very least, we know over on 1st Avenue the United Nations is expecting some kind of a global event to precipitate the "emergence" of their leader, and there's no shortage of current and imminent threats that could provide exactly that.... the oil spill in the gulf, Iranian nukes and Israel's self-defense, currency crashes and market instability. Will any of this result in a global theocracy headed by some supernatural New Age Messiah? My crystal ball's in the shop, but I sure think these wackos are worth keeping an eye on, and we'll be doing that here at ECR. In the meantime, I've excerpted and linked a few videos and stories that you may find... interesting.

One world, one people, one leader.... sound familiar?

LONDON, December 11 /PRNewswire/ --

- With Photo

An enormous, spiral light with a glowing centre, seen over Norway on 9 December 2009, has excited and baffled thousands of Norwegians, including astronomical experts. What does it mean?

On 12 December 2008 Share International Foundation announced that a large, bright 'star'-like object would soon be seen in the sky. They believe it to be a sign heralding the imminent appearance of Maitreya, the World Teacher, on his first television interview, which will take place in the USA.

Share International Foundation believes that the 'star' is really one of four enormous spacecraft placed around the world. SinceDecember 2008 hundreds of sightings of the 'star' have been reported on YouTube, television news programmes and Share International magazine has received hundreds of photographs showing the 'star' in a variety of stunning colours and shapes.

The huge spiral manifestation over Norway is an extension of the work of these spacecraft and is irrefutable evidence of their reality, believes Share International. Our information is that further and different manifestations are planned.

For more information, watch 'The star sign' video on YouTube and visit Share International website:

Background information

For over 30 years artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for what he believes will be the biggest event in history - the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher, and His group, the Masters of Wisdom. Millions of people have heard his information and wait expectantly for this momentous event.

Share International claims that since 19 July 1977 Maitreya has been living in the Asian community of London, gradually emerging before the public. Long-awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the World Teacher for all people, religious or not.

He has not come to found a new religion but as an educator in the broadest sense. His message can be summarized as: "Share and save the world."

For those who seek signs of His coming, Maitreya has manifested miracles worldwide, touching the hearts of millions and preparing them for His imminent appearance.

With Maitreya and His group working openly in the world, offering Their guidance and teachings, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.

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  1. Great article! I've known about the "Antichrist Maitreya" for quite some time now.

    Patience Prence Author SCARS: An amazing End-times Prophecy Novel

  2. "A sucker is born every minute. . ."
    Go ahead and spend your time watching and waiting for this to happen, and the next thing you know, your life is over. Do something useful with your time! When he comes, he comes, it is not worth spending your time speculating on things you know nothing of!
