Sunday, July 11, 2010

"Sweet Taste of Defeat" - Pizza Hut Commercial Celebrates Losing

I guess as Americans living through the Obama administration, we should not just get used to losing - we should actually celebrate it! Pizza Hut's either in an Obama mood in this commercial, or else they've been beaten into submission by Domino's, because they actually have a kid say , "Ahhh, the sweet taste of defeat." In my opinion, they might as well say "Pizza Hut - A Great Place for Losers." Disgusting. Note to Pizza Hut advertising execs - there's just as many winners in Little League as losers, so you'd target the same market if you focused on the winners!

HT to Tom Chen

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  1. I've had those crappy cheap $10 pizzas. That is misleading advertising. Not only would I not want to celebrate being a loser, and don't mind losses if it's a case that you played well and the other team just did better than you, but to celebrate with a cheap, bland, crappy pizza. That ad should state, "ahhhh, the bland taste of defeat." But we live in bizzaro world with BO, so perhaps this shouldn't come as no surprise.

  2. If Pizza Hut is where the losers go, then that is one great reason not to go to Pizza Hut. . . I am not a loser, and I do not want to associate with losers. Pizza Hut is a loser
