Thursday, July 15, 2010

Leaked: 2nd Half of Obama's Term Will Emphasize His "Other" Ethnic Half

Rumors are floating that during the second half of Obama's term as President he'll focus less on his "black" half, and more on his "whiteness." Insiders are saying that Obama's disappointed with the focus he's put on his race so far, and that to even things out, he plans to be "less ethnic," starting in January.

Reports are that his handlers, in the wake of allegations of favorable treatment of African-Americans by the Justice Department, are planning a radical make-over and, in the words of one anonymous White House source, "make good on the promise he made to be the first post-racial president in history." The source went on to say, "this is just the sort of move we need to make. This will cater to the racists that make up most of America."

Another source close to the administration said , "We're hoping we can get him into the Ku Klux Klan. It did wonders for Robert Byrd's political career, and after all, it's what white Democrats have done for generations."

So far this is all unconfirmed, but some images of the proposed makeover are now starting to hit the 'net, so here's the picture that Obama's hoping will change his image among American voters. Do you like him any better now?

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  1. I do not like him in any way that you portray him. Will he be more Christian and less Muslim this time? More Republican that Democommunist? More manly, less gay? More leaderlike and less inept?
    In any case I doubt it

  2. You can bleach a skunk all you want, it will still stink.
