Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blunt Anti-Carnahan Ad: "I'll Work for Missouri - Not Barack Obama"

For once, I agree with MSNBC - this WILL be interesting. Let the Obama-bashing begin!

Blunt vs. Carnahan and Obama: Meanwhile, in Missouri, likely GOP Senate nominee Roy Blunt is going up with a TV ad aimed at both Robin Carnahan -- and President Obama, Politico reports. The ad features Obama’s comment at a fundraiser for Carnahan earlier this month that Carnahan winning would give him another vote in the Senate. It concludes, “Roy Blunt -- he’ll work for Missouri, not Barack Obama.” This is a significant development in the national electoral landscape for this reason: It's the most direct anti-Obama message we've seen made by a Republican running in a general election in a swing state. Now, that said, Blunt is trying to appeal to primary voters a tad right now. But if this ad against Carnahan, using Obama, does raise the Democrat's negatives, don't be surprised if it gets copied by GOP candidates across the country. This is an interesting test to keep an eye on.

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1 comment:

  1. Anytime we can use Ă˜bama's own words against him is all right with me. . .
