Saturday, July 10, 2010

Racist Radical Fringe Becomes Mainstream (or How Hillary Ruined Obama's Summer Vacation)

Who knew James Carville did polling? I sure didn't. Nonetheless, just in the nick of time to put pressure on Obama, the Clintons' number 1 sycophantic underling/Gollum lookalike releases numbers showing that a full 55% of Americans think Obama's a socialist.

There's two ways to take this news. First is to assume that the majority of our country's voters are racist now. I'm pretty sure that's the light the mainstream media would like to cast on this. The second is that Hillary is getting ready to make her move.

Here's my take - when stuff like this happens, especially on the heels of Bill Clinton's aggressively ambiguous public statements of support for Obama, the one thing we should have learned is that, when it comes to the Clintons, there are no coincidences. Rest assured, this stuff is planned.

Stay tuned, folks. The Democrat catfight promises to get more interesting from here on in...

***I also noted that, while 55% of Americans think Obama's a socialist, only 35% think he's too liberal. I guess that means 20% think socialism is just fine?***

55 Percent of Likely Voters Find ‘Socialist’ an Accurate Label of Obama?

July 09, 2010 9:13 AM

The latest poll by Democracy Corps, the firm of James Carville and Stan Greenberg, has Republicans leading on the generic ballot among likely voters, 48 percent to 42 percent.

Deep in the poll, they ask, “Now, I am going to read you a list of words and phrases which people use to describe political figures. For each word or phrase, please tell me whether it describes Barack Obama very well, well, not too well, or not well at all.”

On “too liberal,” 35 percent of likely voters say it describes Obama “very well,” 21 percent say “well,” 21 percent say “not too well,” and 17 percentsay “not well at all.” In other words, 56 percent of likely voters consider Obama too liberal.

When asked about “a socialist,” 33 percent of likely voters say it describes Obama “very well,” 22 percent say “well,” 15 percent say “not too well,” and 25 percent say “not well at all.”

In other words, 55 percent of likely voters think “socialist” is a reasonably accurate way of describing Obama.

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