Friday, July 16, 2010

"'Bout Ready to Upchuck from a Smorgasbord of Corruption"

This is a great Tea Party rant! I have no idea who this lady is, but I'd love to have an opportunity to vote for her. After having the Tea Parties assaulted in the media as racist redneck rallies, it's encouraging to hear a real American Tea Partier respond with vigor, "It doesn't matter what you call us, only what we answer to! - Citizens and patriots of these here United States!"

Quite frankly, we need more plain-spoken real Americans like this looking out for our interests in DC, and fewer of the effete elitists that are currently so busy destroying our nation. Not only would I vote for her - I'd volunteer to campaign for her.

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  1. Mama Grizzlies Rock!
    Give this lady a hug from all of us!

  2. Could not have said it better myself. . .

  3. God bless her she expressed what so many of us think.

    Where is MSNBC as they scream racism?
