Saturday, July 10, 2010

More Evidence Hillary's Going to Challenge Obama in 2012

There's been a lot of chatter recently that Hillary's planning to challenge Obama for the Democrat nomination in 2012 (like here, here, and here), ala Ted Kennedy in 1980. Some people think it's a lock - others say it'll never happen. I'm starting to think it's more likely than not. For starters, she recently bought the HRC2012 website domain, and she also has Bill out there working his sneaky magic - undermining Obama while effusively praising him. I'm sure no fan of Bill Clinton, but it can't be denied that he's a masterfully articulate speaker, so I'm pretty sure he realizes that the net effect of clips like the one below are negative to Obama - meaning I think it's hard for a Democrat to watch this and not think worse of Obama than they did before they heard Clinton praise him.

So is Hillary running in 2012? While beating up on Obama with damning praise just for self-aggrandizement probably isn't beyond Clinton (what is?), I find it hard to believe he's thinking anything but Hillary 2012 during this clip. My favorite part is at about 2:28 where he outlines what his priorities would be, were he still in the White House, in addressing the oil leak in the gulf, and his answer slyly suggests that our current President is too focused on blaming BP, and ignoring the real objective, which is that we need to stop the darn leak. I'm pretty sure if I were Obama, I'd be pretty wary of having Bill Clinton defend me like this...

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  1. First off all I think old Bill is wrong. . . Øbama is a teleprompter Queen and an inexperienced leader. He is not qualified to even try and make a hard decision. Øbama has made the biggest mistake of all, inaction. . .
    Hillary is a socialist, and had better not run.
    Old Bill sounds weak and ill to me. . .
    I like Bill, but I am hating all politicians at this moment in time. . .

  2. Unlike Zero, slick willie doesn't need a teleprompter, so as long as the questions are spontaneous, Bill has BO skunked. As for BO qualified to make a hard decision, I don't think BO is qualified to even make a ham sandwich.
