Friday, July 2, 2010

Videos Tell Story of Racist Dept of Justice Under Obama

Frankly it's shocking how far we've fallen and how fast. The fact is, America is still in freefall under Obama, and while he and his supporters will claim we're on the right track, there are some frightening signposts in our rear-view mirror at this point. One of them is the application of laws based entirely upon the race of the perpetrator and the victim. Here's a few short videos that should help put this into perspective, featuring the New Black Panthers and former DOJ attorney Christian Adams - the one guy blowing the whistle on this. Robert Byrd may be dead, but racism in the Democrat Party lives on...

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  1. Fruit does not fall far from the tree. This fruit is corrupt and needs to be investigated fully, as to whom is complicit and accountable. It is so UnAmerican, it is unprecedented! Hell it is communist. . .
