Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Democrat Logic is No Logic at All

Today on Fox News there was a knock-down drag-out catfight between Megyn Kelly (right) and Kirsten Powers (wrong) about the strange dismissal of charges against the New Black Panthers' thoroughly YouTube'd intimidation of voters in Philadelphia, and DOJ attorney Jay Christian Adams' allegations that there is a de facto policy in place at the Voting Rights Division of the Department of Justice to refuse prosecution of some reports of voter intimidation, depending upon the skin color of the parties involved. Megyn demolished Kirsten Powers in a way that really should have been humiliating, but Powers just kept changing her argument and denying her own statements so often that it made me wonder - if Megyn Kelly's arguments were playing to rational people, to whom was Kirsten Powers' intellectually dishonest verbal scurrying targeted?

That's when it occurred to me that I've seen this before. Not the Kelly/Powers mismatch, but the patently dishonest, infantile, facile debating tactics being used by Powers. Anyone with half their brain working properly would have felt humiliated to share a position with her, but we all know that most of the Democrats in America agree wholeheartedly.

When Powers starts off by saying "It's no big deal," and "count me as someone who doesn't care," thousands of viewers were like, "Yeah... you tell 'em, Kirsten." And when, after being force-fed reality for a few minutes by Megyn, Powers ultimately ended up attacking Bush, there were probably just as many people out there in TV-land agreeing with her, and it's pretty likely that, in the end, few minds were changed.

Those people are Democrats, and evidently, despite the most expensive free education system in the known universe, things like logic, reason, and rationale have no place or meaning in their universe. To this kind of a diseased mind, emotional illogic and hysterical attacks against straw men created for the special purpose of weaseling out of whatever corner they may find themselves in right now are brilliant tactics and, in their minds, really show conservatives to be whatever kind of hate-filled meanies that liberals fantasize conservatives to be. They just adore the Keith Olbermanns and Chris Matthewses of the world, who are experts in this new kind of non-logic. In fact, I've seen this pathetically invalid argument structure so often now that I've come up with a name for this "strategy" - debate, obfuscate, and correlate.

Here's how it goes. First comes the debate. No point in preparing or understanding the issue. Just take the party line and dig in - you're going to be here a while. In this argument, it's Kirsten Powers saying, about the New Black Panthers' intimidation of voters and Obama's DOJ refusing to prosecute, that it wasn't really intimidation, and that no one cares about the issue anyway - can't we all just make it go away? Megyn Kelly then proceeds to do a far-better-than-average job of pointing out the blatant violation of law, the witness testimony, the video evidence, etc, etc, etc, proving Powers to be full of it.

Next, realizing that she's dead wrong on the issue, Powers starts obfuscating - implying racism, insisting she understands the case, and backpedaling her position - now, it seems, Ms. Powers thinks what happened was a genuine crime, and the Obama administration did the best they could - after all, they got an injunction, didn't they? Megyn Kelly, of course, takes all this crap and shreds it like a phony lunch receipt, making it clear that the Obama DOJ was race-oriented in this decision, and showing how they ignored the law to benefit the Black Panthers.

The third step is the most predictable one, and the one that Obama's minions are still treating like the silver bullet it may have been 18 months ago - correlate whatever mess Obama's in to Bush, and make whatever you're accusing Bush of sound worse than whatever Obama's being accused of. We all know how that goes - some video of Obama comes out with him ogling a girl's butt, or he bows to a Muslim king, or he unconstitutionally takes a side job working against American sovereignty, and the Democrat talking heads all say in unison on of two things - "Yeah... but Bush started a war," or something to that effect, or "Racism!" Kudos to Megyn Kelly for trying to short-circuit Powers in that maneuver today, but we'd better get used to it - Debate, Obfuscate, and Correlate. This silver bullet's been fired enough times, already.

1 comment:

  1. It is a sad day in American history when reporters and those that should be in the know just plain lie about the facts. I have seen the videos and Shabazz wants to kill white babies too. That is a real "Hate"crime. . .
