Monday, June 28, 2010

I Wouldn't Hire Elena Kagan to Sell Latex, Much Less SCOTUS, and You Wouldn't Either

Watching this video reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when George, pants around his ankles as he bursts from the bathroom to answer the phone in order to protect a scam he was running on unemployment insurance, falls down on his face and Seinfeld says, "and YOU want to be my latex salesman?" This is Elena Kagan with her legal pants around her ankles, her silly argument being ripped apart by superior legal minds.

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  1. It shows the radical and down right sneaky insects that Obama likes to surround himself and put into postions of power. God help us if one of our conservative justices either dies or retires because we would be finished.

  2. I am all for term limits on all judges. A week is a lifetime in politics, and judges are now very political. Judges should be elected instead of appointed maybe?
