Tuesday, March 31, 2009

'New York Times' Spiked Obama Donor Story

If only there were a way to file criminal charges against the media...
By Michael P. Tremoglie, The Bulletin
Monday, March 30, 2009
A lawyer involved with legal action against Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told a House Judiciary subcommittee on March 19 The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a “a game changer.”

Heather Heidelbaugh, who represented the Pennsylvania Republican State Committee in the lawsuit against the group, recounted for the ommittee what she had been told by a former ACORN worker who had worked in the group’s Washington, D.C. office. The former worker, Anita Moncrief, told Ms. Heidelbaugh last October, during the state committee’s litigation against ACORN, she had been a “confidential informant for several months to The New York Times reporter, Stephanie Strom.”

Ms. Moncrief had been providing Ms. Strom with information about ACORN’s election activities. Ms. Strom had written several stories based on information Ms. Moncrief had given her.

During her testimony, Ms. Heidelbaugh said Ms. Moncrief had told her The New York Times articles stopped when she revealed that the Obama presidential campaign had sent its maxed-out donor list to ACORN’s Washington, D.C. office.

Ms. Moncrief told Ms. Heidelbaugh the campaign had asked her and her boss to “reach out to the maxed-out donors and solicit donations from them for Get Out the Vote efforts to be run by ACORN.”

Ms. Heidelbaugh then told the congressional panel:

“Upon learning this information and receiving the list of donors from the Obama campaign, Ms. Strom reported to Ms. Moncrief that her editors at The New York Times wanted her to kill the story because, and I quote, “it was a game changer.”’

Ms. Moncrief made her first overture to Ms. Heidelbaugh after The New York Times allegedly spiked the story — on Oct. 21, 2008. Last fall, she testified under oath about what she had learned about ACORN from her years in its Washington, D.C. office. Although she was present at the congressional hearing, she did not testify.

U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wisc., the ranking Republican on the committee, said the interactions between the Obama campaign and ACORN, as described by Ms. Moncrief, and attested to before the committee by Ms. Heidelbaugh, could possibly violate federal election law, and “ACORN has a pattern of getting in trouble for violating federal election laws.”

He also voiced criticism of The New York Times.

“If true, The New York Times is showing once again that it is a not an impartial observer of the political scene,” he said. “If they want to be a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, they should put Barack Obama approves of this in their newspaper.”

Academicians and journalism experts expressed similar criticism of the Times.

“The New York Times keeps going over the line in every single campaign and last year was the worst, easily,” said Mal Kline of the American Journalism Center. “They would ignore real questions worth examining about Obama, the questions about Bill Ayers or about how he got his house. Then on the other side they would try to manufacture scandals.”

Mr. Kline mentioned Gov. Sarah Palin was cleared by investigators of improperly firing an Alaska State Trooper, but went unnoticed by The Times.

“How many stories about this were in The New York Times,” he asked.

“If this is true, it would not surprise me at all. The New York Times is a liberal newspaper. It is dedicated to furthering the Democratic Party,” said Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of Political Science at Grove City College. “People think The New York Times is an objective news source and it is not. It would not surprise me that if they had a news story that would have swayed the election into McCain’s favor they would not have used it.”

ACORN has issued statements claiming that Ms. Moncrief is merely a disgruntled former worker.

“None of this wild and varied list of charges has any credibility and we’re not going to spend our time on it,” said Kevin Whelan, ACORN deputy political director in a statement issued last week.

Stephanie Strom was contacted for a comment, and The New York Times’ Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications Catherine Mathis replied with an e-mail in her place.

Ms. Mathis wrote, “In response to your questions to our reporter, Stephanie Strom, we do not discuss our newsgathering and won’t comment except to say that political considerations played no role in our decisions about how to cover this story or any other story about President Obama.”

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What's Up with the Government "Crypt Fields" ??

Tomorrow night's program features a new Evil Conservative Contributor, Michelle D'Allocroce. You might know her from her frequent appearances on Neil Cavuto's Fox News television program, oftentimes delivering the stories about life on the Mexico border that will make your skin crawl. Michelle has been doing some investigating, and we'll be getting a report on this mysterious project in the Arizona desert tomorrow night on Evil Conservative Radio (7pm edt on WVOX-AM 1460 in NYC, streaming live here on this site. Call-in number 914-636-0110).

Why is the government pre-building 30,000 graves in the Arizona National Veterans Cemetery? ECR questions the workers and gets some video of this creepy initiative in the Arizona desert. Is it something sinister or just your stimulus dollars at work? Michelle D'Allacroce looks into this tomorrow night on Evil Conservative Radio.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Documentary: Barack Obama vs. The Law - Trailer

Evil Conservative Radio has teamed up with NMATV to produce a documentary that will definitely rattle a few cages - Barack Obama vs. the Law. Here's the trailer for this controversial new expose. Groundbreaking president... or fraudulent usurper? You decide.

Dr. Orly Taitz, Attorney Mario Apuzzo, and WOR talk show host Steve Malzberg make the case about Barack Obama and his eligibility for the presidency. Produced and directed for NMATV by Bob Parks.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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What Power Does the Common-Law Grand Jury Hold?

There has been a lot of buzz this weekend after Carl Swensson and the common-law grand jury he convened in Georgia this weekend created a presentment of findings against Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro aka Barry Sutoro. A lot of the commentary that I've read has been dismissive of the efforts of Mr. Swensson, and so I thought I'd pass along a few viewpoints on this matter. Frankly, whether the presentment against Obama gains traction or not really isn't the point... but rather that Americans are becoming so fed up that they are becoming creative in the effort to use our constitution for its intended purpose - limiting the power of our benevolent overlords in government who pretend to be above the law. May a thousand more Cark Swenssons rise up across America in the coming weeks to shed light on the darkness that has become our government.

Opinion 1:
In discussing that power and unique independence granted to the grand jury, the United States Supreme Court, in United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 at 48 (1992), Justice Scalia, delivering the opinion of the court, laid down the law of the land:

"'[R]ooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history," Hannah v. Larche, 363 U.S. 420, 490 (1960) (Frankfurter, J., concurring in result), the grand jury is mentioned in the Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned, therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It "`is a constitutional fixture in its own right.'" United States v. Chanen, 549 F.2d 1306, 1312 (CA9 1977) (quoting Nixon v. Sirica, 159 U.S. App. D.C. 58, 70, n. 54, 487 F.2d 700, 712, n. 54 (1973)), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 825 (1977). ' "

Scalia also stated, that "the grand jury is an institution separate from the courts, over whose functioning the courts do not preside..." Id.

And finally, to seal the deal, Scalia hammered the point home:

"In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people. See Stirone v. United States, 361 U.S. 212, 218 (1960); Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 61 (1906); G. Edwards, The Grand Jury 28-32 (1906). Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional relationship with the Judicial Branch has traditionally been, so to speak, at arm's length. Judges' direct involvement in the functioning of the grand jury has generally been confined to the constitutive one of calling the grand jurors together and administering their oaths of office. See United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338, 343 (1974); Fed.Rule Crim.Proc. 6(a). [504 U.S. 36, 48] "

This miraculous quote says it all, "...the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people." The Constitution of the United States, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, gives rise to a FOURTH BRANCH of Government, THE GRAND JURY. We the people have been charged with oversight of the government in our roles as grand jurors.

Opinion 2:
I want to draw your attention to a law review article, CREIGHTON LAW REVIEW, Vol. 33, No. 4 1999-2000, 821, IF IT'S NOT A RUNAWAY, IT'S NOT A REAL GRAND JURY by Roger Roots, J.D.

"In addition to its traditional role of screening criminal cases for prosecution, common law grand juries had the power to exclude prosecutors from their presence at any time and to investigate public officials without governmental influence. These fundamental powers allowed grand juries to serve a vital function of oversight upon the government. The function of a grand jury to ferret out government corruption was the primary purpose of the grand jury system in ages past."

An article appearing in American Juror, the newsletter of the American Jury Institute and the Fully Informed Jury Association, citing the famed American jurist, Joseph Story, explained :

"An indictment is a written accusation of an offence preferred to, and presented, upon oath, as true, by a grand jury, at the suit of the government. An indictment is framed by the officers of the government, and laid before the grand jury. Presentments, on the other hand, are the result of a jury’s independent action:

'A presentment, properly speaking, is an accusation, made by a grand jury of its own mere motion, of an offence upon its own observation and knowledge, or upon evidence before it, and without any bill of indictment laid before it at the suit of the government. Upon a presentment, the proper officer of the court must frame an indictment, before the party accused can be put to answer it.' "

Back to the Creighton Law Review:

"A 'runaway' grand jury, loosely defined as a grand jury which resists the accusatory choices of a government prosecutor, has been virtually eliminated by modern criminal procedure. Today's "runaway" grand jury is in fact the common law grand jury of the past. Prior to the emergence of governmental prosecution as the standard model of American criminal justice, all grand juries were in fact "runaways," according to the definition of modern times; they operated as completely independent, self-directing bodies of inquisitors, with power to pursue unlawful conduct to its very source, including the government itself."

So, it's clear that the Constitution intended to give the grand jury power to instigate criminal charges, and this was especially true when it came to government oversight. But something strange happened on the way to the present. That power was eroded by a lie enacted by the legislative branch. The 5th Amendment to the Constitution still contains the same words, but if you sit on a grand jury and return a "presentment" today, the prosecutor must sign it or it probably won't be allowed to stand by the judge and the criminal charges you have brought to the court's attention will be swept away. And the reason for this can be found in a legislative lie of epic proportions.

Mr. Roots weighs in again:

"In 1946, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure were adopted, codifying what had previously been a vastly divergent set of common law procedural rules and regional customs.[86] In general, an effort was made to conform the rules to the contemporary state of federal criminal practice.[87] In the area of federal grand jury practice, however, a remarkable exception was allowed. The drafters of Rules 6 and 7, which loosely govern federal grand juries, denied future generations of what had been the well-recognized powers of common law grand juries: powers of unrestrained investigation and of independent declaration of findings. The committee that drafted the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provided no outlet for any document other than a prosecutor-signed indictment. In so doing, the drafters at least tacitly, if not affirmatively, opted to ignore explicit constitutional language."[88]"

Rule 7 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (FRCP):

"An offense which may be punished by death shall be prosecuted by indictment. An offense which may be punished by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year or at hard labor shall be prosecuted by indictment..."

No mention of "presentments" can be found in Rule 7. But they are mentioned in Note 4 of the Advisory Committee Notes on the Rules:

"4. Presentment is not included as an additional type of formal accusation, since presentments as a method of instituting prosecutions are obsolete, at least as concerns the Federal courts."

The American Juror published the following commentary with regards to Note 4:

"[W]hile the writers of the federal rules made provisions for indictments, they made none for presentments. This was no oversight. According to Professor Lester B. Orfield, a member of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Criminal Procedure, the drafters of Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 6 decided the term presentment should not be used, even though it appears in the Constitution. Orfield states [22 F.R.D. 343, 346]:

'There was an annotation by the Reporter on the term presentment as used in the Fifth Amendment. It was his conclusion that the term should not be used in the new rules of criminal procedure. Retention might encourage the use of the run-away grand jury as the grand jury could act from their own knowledge or observation and not only from charges made by the United States attorney. It has become the practice for the United States Attorney to attend grand jury hearings, hence the use of presentments have been abandoned.' "

That's a fascinating statement: "Retention might encourage...the grand jury [to] act from their own knowledge or observation." God forbid, right America? The nerve of these people. They have the nerve to put on the record that they intended to usurp our Constitutional power, power that was intended by the founding fathers, in their incredible wisdom, to provide us with oversight over tyrannical government.

And so they needed a spin term to cast aspersions on that power. The term they chose was, "runaway grand jury", which is nothing more than a Constitutionally mandated grand jury, aware of their power, and legally exercising that power to hold the federal beast in check, as in "checks and balances".

The lie couldn't be inserted into the Constitution, so they put it in a statute and then repeated it. And scholars went on to repeat it, and today, as it stands, the grand jury has effectively been lied into the role of submissive puppet of the US Attorney.

Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Geithner Responds to Criticism from Krugman (video)

Treasury Secretary Timmah Geithner took to the friendly airwaves of NBC to respond to criticism from NY Times columnist Paul Krugman. Two notes: First is that, while Krugman's analysis of the fraudulent valuation of the assets that the government is buying, Krugman's solutions are even more insane than Obama/Geithner's. Secondly - Is it just me... or does Geithner constantly look like he is trying with all his might not to laugh in our faces as he pulls his huge scam? Wouldn't this all be better dealt with in a bankruptcy court?

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Geithner Responds to Criticism from Krugman (video)

Treasury Secretary Timmah Geithner took to the friendly airwaves of NBC to respond to criticism from NY Times columnist Paul Krugman. Two notes: First is that, while Krugman's analysis of the fraudulent valuation of the assets that the government is buying is pretty accurate, Krugman's solutions are even more insane than Obama/Geithner's. Secondly - Is it just me... or does Geithner constantly look like he is trying with all his might not to laugh in our faces as he pulls his huge scam? Wouldn't this all be better dealt with in a bankruptcy court?

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Florida Administrator Details Illegal Alien Expenses at One Hospital

We hear a lot about the need for universal healthcare these days. To listen to the media, Americans aren't able to access even basic healthcare at a reasonable price. Apparently, illegal aliens aren't having any problems at all getting care - in this clip one Florida administrator explains just how much illegal aliens are costing only one hospital in her testimony before some kind of state panel. So either illegal aliens have a better deal than the rest of us... or this whole "healthcare crisis" is just being made up. What gives?

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Would You Shake Hands with a Jew?

A Saudi television show does a man-on-the-street segment similar to shows here in the US, where they ask passers-by about a controversial issue. The Saudi reporter's question? Would you shake hands with a Jew? Interesting clip...

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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We Must Take America Back

TEA parties, common-law grand juries, and now a great updated version of the old Steve Vaus song. It's been a pretty decent weekend.. and hopefully the American people are starting to wake up. Whether you think the problem is incompetence, malevolence, or just plain ideological blindness... it really doesn't matter. We Must Take America Back - before these elitists destroy her.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama's Welfare for Terrorists Program

In the spirit of rehabilitative, therapeutic loonyism, when the Gitmo terrorists acquire their get out of jail free card, plan A is to put them on welfare... presumably to make sure they don't return to a life of terror, although it seems much more likely that they will just pursue their lives of terror slightly better funded.

Maybe we shouldn't be surprised. Hasn't our government been making ransom payments to "community activists" like ACORN and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharton and... ummm... OTHERS for a couple of generations now. Maybe one of the Gitmo terrorists will even run for President once all the charges are dropped...

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Citizens Shouting Out: Common-Law Grand Jury in Georgia Indicts Obama/Soetoro

Stockbridge, Georgia- The questions over the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to occupy his current position as President of the United States continue to be raised. After being presented with evidence in the matter, a citizens' grand jury convened by Carl Swensson in Georgia has returned an indictment against Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro aka Barry Sutoro.

Reportedly the sealed indictment, scheduled to be delivered to prosecutors on Monday, includes counts of fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. "It's a done deal, and the people of the State of Georgia demand action on this matter," said Carl Swensson after the grand jury proceedings had finished. "I can't comment on this other than to say that the sealed indictment will be delivered to prosecutors on Monday."

Obviously, where this goes remains to be seen, but it's one more sign that citizens are waking up and demanding that the allegations of fraud and forgery surrounding the eligibility of Obama be investigated.

EC interviews Carl Swensson on the common-law grand jury here

Under the 5th Amendment to the Constitution, with the power confirmed and reinforced by the US Supreme Court, 'we the people' have the power to instigate criminal charges when it comes to government oversight.
Citizens sitting as Federal Grand Jurors are the fourth branch of the United States government.

The Citizens of Georgia have proudly stood up to our corrupt officials and have excercised this right.


At approx. 4:15 p.m. March 28th in the city of Stockbridge Ga. the people of Georgia returned an Indictment against Barack Hussein Obama!!!!!!
25 Jurists, duly sworn in, heard tesitmony and in a unanimous vote,
Indicted the usurper

Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Friday, March 27, 2009

US Admiral Says N. Korean Rockets Could Reach Hawaii

Admiral Mike Mullen says that North Korea is making rockets that will be able to reach Hawaii. I wonder what they'll load the rockets with? Probably not kimchi.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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White People Caused The Credit Crunch

Brazil's President, loopy Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, blames the financial crisis on blue-eyed white people, proving that the left is OK with profiling, provided it's exercised responsibly.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

TEA Party Day (video)

Here's the scoop on TEA Party Day, April 15, 2009. Let's make our voices heard.

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Obama Draft Dodge? Selective Service Chief Has No Explanation for Inconsistencies

Dr. Orly Taitz, who has been on the East Coast splitting time between shooting a documentary with NMATV and ECR that will be out next week, while she also pounded the pavement in Washington looking for some venue in which to determine Obama's eligibility, updates ECR on her last day in Washington, including a meeting with William Chatfield, Director of Selective Service. How did he respond when confronted with documentation of Obama's duplicity?

If you think this documentation raises questions that deserve to be answered, you can call, write, fax or email Mr. Chatfield at:

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs
Selective Service System
National Headquarters
Arlington, Virginia 22209-2425
Phone: 703-605-4100
FAX: 703-605-4106
E-mail: Information@sss.gov

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Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ECR Live with Mario Apuzzo - Why Obama's Eligibility Questions Need to be Answered

**Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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Senator Kyl to Look at Obama Eligibility Issue

Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) is on record as having said the Obama eligibility issue is decided. He wrote the letter below on Dec 1 last year.

Today at noon he'll be meeting with Dr. Orly Taitz, who EC spent the day with yesterday. Suffice it to say, I think he will be presented with some facts that snopes.com may have failed to address. Does this mean that some in the Washington establishment may be ready to revisit an issue that they never really visited in the first place?

There has been a pattern so far, where the legislative branch denies any responsibility, and points to the courts and says it has been decided there, while the courts aren't really deciding anything, but rather saying that the plaintiffs have no standing, and punting it back to the legislature and bureaucracy. Meanwhile the bureaucrats are pointing at the courts and legislature and saying it needs to be decided there. Is this a sign that someone may one day take responsibility for investigating and determining the constitutional qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama to be President of the United States? One day soon, perhaps?
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My Day with Orly Taitz: Adventures from the American Underground

As some of you may already know, ECR and NMATV have teamed up to produce a documentary about Obama's eligibility issues and some of the people pursuing it. Tentatively titled "Barack Hussein Obama vs. the Law," the film will include interviews with Orly Taitz, Mario Apuzzo, two attorneys with very different legal approaches to the matter, as well as well-known radio personality Steve Malzberg. I figured I'd tell you a little bit about our day yesterday as we shot the film all over the tri-state area.

0700- Dr. Orly was supposed to be in by now, but her flight has been delayed. Great opportunity to get my '99 Toyota washed... for the first time since the fall. I'm wondering what she and Apuzzo will be like in person. They're nice on the phone, but am I running with the tin-foil hat crowd? We'll find out.

0730- Oh crap. We're supposed to be at the WVOX studios in Westchester at 8AM where I have studio time booked for us... damn - better call and back it up a bit, and contact the people who want to meet Orly there. Hope they can make it later.

0900- Having a bagel and waiting... stuck listening to Imus on WABC - Why did they get rid of Curtis and Kuby in the mornings?

0940- Orly calls from the plane. They've landed.

1000- Orly hops in the Evil-Mobile and we head up to Westchester.

1030- Sitting in traffic. Talking to Orly. Her phone is ringing non-stop and she continually refers to notes and rattles off facts with the efficiency of a laser printer on calls as varied as the US Senate and the US Supreme Court, bloggers, and her research team. We have a conversation while all of this is happening.

1045- We arrive at Starbucks by the WVOX studios and hook up with Bob from NMATV, who'll be doing the shoot. He just drove in from Boston and he's been up since 3AM. We grab a cup of coffee and head to the studios.

1120- We start the interview after I run back to Starbucks and retrieve Orly's paperwork, which had been left on our table. Luckily, the Starbucks crowd in Westchester is so self-involved, I don't think anyone noticed the stack of legal papers sitting on the table while I was gone.

1200- We should be done by now, but the interview is going so well, and so much information being relayed, that we have to extend it a bit. It'll make it tight to get to our 1330 appointment with Steve Malzberg at WOR, but it has to be done.

1230- After thanking WVOX management for the use of their facilities, we head into Manhattan to the WOR studios... fighting traffic all the way. On the way Orly confirms with the Supreme Court that her cases will be re-added to the docket by tomorrow (today) at 1PM.

1330- We park at South Street Seaport and head over to WOR on Broadway, walking past Timmah Geithner's old place of employment, the NY Fed, and the Stock Exchange.. a sad area for me since Wall Street got taken over by Washington bureaucrats. Oh well. You can still get a gyro for $4. I guess that's something.

1345- We meet Steve Malzberg, who takes us into the studio and, despite the fact that he's obviously incredibly busy, makes some time to say hello and get us set up for the interview. We'll have to work around his schedule, as he does promos and interviews and generally multitasks. The offices at WOR are amazing, and EC takes the opportunity to engage in a mini-stealth operation to drop some CD's of Evil Conservative Radio on the Program Director's desk... who knows when I'll be that close to the guy who makes programming decisions for NY's oldest and second-largest talk radio station again?

1440- Mission accomplished on the CD drop, we're finally ready for the interview. We get Steve on film and then footage afterward of Orly's interview with Steve on his show. He's been incredibly gracious to us and it's amazing that he's letting us interview him, even though he doesn't know us well. He's trusting that we won't do a hatchet job on him, and of course we won't let him down. He's a great friggin' guy.

1630- We grab some coffee at McDonald's. Unfortunately we won't have time to hunt down Mayor Bloomberg, as the offices are closed for the day. Orly obtains, against all odds, a personal appointment with Senator John Kyl of Arizona for tomorrow (today) at noon, while sipping coffee in the Wall Street McDonald's.

1700- We put Orly in the car service to get her back to the airport. The airport is east of the city and we need to head west, to see Mario Apuzzo. I am incredibly impressed with Dr. Orly's tenacity and drive and just her general sticktuitiveness. She refuses to take no for an answer and she is fearless in asking questions of bureaucrats. Let's see what Mario Apuzzo has to say.

1800- Geez, the traffic is horrible. We've gone about 30 blocks... still not even in Jersey.

1845- In the middle of New Jersey, in a semi-bucolic town just off the Jersey Turnpike and closer to Philly than NYC, we pull up at a house with a shingle out front. Mario Apuzzo, attorney at law.

1920- We start interviewing Mario. It turns out that Orly is great at facts - she appears to never forget anything, while Mario is a world-class storyteller. He weaves a compelling and thoughtful analysis into his presentation of the foundation of his case. No tin-foil hats in evidence at all.

2030- We're wrapping up, and I'm blown away. We've heard all the facts from Orly, and had them woven into a compelling and sensible narrative by Mario, with the added perspective of one of the few individuals in the mainstream media (Steve Malzberg) with the courage to talk about the cases. I'm starting to think we really have something here.

2100- Bob packs up and heads out to Boston, while I head through the city and back to Long Island. I have a BlogTalkRadio show to do at 11:30 PM every night... so I rush.

2330- On my BlogTalkRadio show I talk a little about the day, and I get a call from Neil Turner out in California, who tells me about more breaking news. A police department in Texas wants to investigate Obama's eligibility. One by one it seems the bricks in Obama's wall of disinformation are starting to crumble. As I wrap up the show I'm starting to think that the individuals I have met and worked with today have made a case that is compelling. Not the case that Obama should be removed or that he isn't qualified. But rather the case that the questions surrounding his eligibility deserve to be answered.

Now back to work to do my small part... and try to get this movie out within two weeks. Stay tuned.

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Released: Special Intelligence Report on Obama's Eligibility

For those of you who don't already know, there will be a new documentary on Obama's Eligibility issues coming out next week. I'll keep you posted.


Consultant at Behavioral Analysis and Threat Assessment

Vice President of Protective Services


Diplomate: American Academy of Forensic Counselors
Southwest Risk Advisors, Inc.

American Psychotherapy Association Post Office Box 1595

Chandler, Arizona 85244

Licensed Investigator Telecommunications:

Protective Intelligence Specialist and Agent 1-866-481-7712 – office

Information Warfare Analyst 480-440-5930 – cell

ASIS – Phoenix Chapter Membership Chair LRapacki1@Hotmail.com

FBI InfraGard – Arizona




March the 16th, 2009

Statement of Purpose:

The content of this White Paper is deliberately intended to stimulate thought and discussion. Informational analysis comprising global security, national security of the United States of America, socio-political-economic forces as a dimension to national security, culture, freedom in human rights, defense and the rule of law are considered within the framework of this treatise.


Beginning as campaign rhetoric, the question of Barak Obama’s legal status as a citizen of the United States of America qualified to serve as President, is moving toward a crescendo that might be heard formally by the United States Supreme Court. Downplayed by many, including U.S. Senators on the Republican side and even Senators serving on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee as late as Friday of last week, a significant meeting occurred last Thursday, March 12th in Idaho. The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court was speaking before a large audience (800 in attendance, including the President of the Idaho State Bar Association) on the character of Abraham Lincoln, when attorney Orly Taitz of Mission Viejo, California came to the microphone and asked the Chief Justice if he would personally review a legal brief and a complaint signed by over 325,000 American citizens as to the Constitutionality of Barak Obama’s swearing-in as President. Chief Justice Roberts personally agreed to review the legal brief and the complaint saying such in front of the audience.


Motions to be heard on this critical Constitutional matter have been dismissed already, or not even accepted by courts in many states – New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Washington, Texas, North Carolina to name a few. But the issue will not go away; it is morphing now to include active members of the Armed Forces serving in “Hot Zones” or theatres of combat. The legal motion handed



March the 16th, 2009

Continued – page two


to the Chief Justice warns: “If MR. OBAMA is not constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States, then no act that he takes is, arguably, valid, the laws that he signs would not be valid, the protective orders that he signs would be null and void, and every act that he takes would be subject to legal challenge, both in the Courts of the United States of America, and in International Courts, and that, therefore, it is important for the voters to know whether he, or any candidate for President in the future, is eligible to serve in that office.”

Just prior to this meeting, attorney Taitz sent Certified Correspondence on February 27th to the U.S. Attorney General, the Director of the FBI, Congressional and Senatorial Judiciary Committee, et.al. with the stated purpose “demand for investigation and immediate action in regards suspected crimes” identified as, but not limited to: impersonation of a military officer, libel, defamation of character, harassment, interference with judicial proceedings, breaking into the computer system of the Supreme Court of the United States, forgery, using cyberspace for voter fraud. Military officers from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces have joined in this action as Plaintiffs. Among the petitioners are: Maj. Gen. Carroll Childers; Lt. Col. Dr. David Earl-Graef; police officer and Selected Reservist Navy Commander Clinton Grimes; Lt. Scott Easterling, U.S. Army now serving on active duty in Iraq; New Hampshire state Rep. Timothy Comerford; Tenn. State Rep. Frank Nicely and others.

One of the “and others” is Harry Riley, a veteran who spent a significant time serving in the Pentagon. This former officer said the issue is basically over whether Americans will allow “the trashing” of their Constitution. “Myself, along with hundreds of thousands of other warriors, have fought for the U.S. Constitution. The whole issue is one of constitutional crisis. How can an individual become the Commander-in-Chief, or the president of the U.S., with questions regarding his constitutional qualifications?”

The complaint filed with the U.S. Attorney General (now in the hands of the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court) requests “relate Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama II to test his title to president before the Supreme Court.” This legal phrase essentially means an explanation is being demanded for what authority Obama is using to act as president. This is the only judicial remedy for violations of the Constitution by public officials and agents. This legal right established in British common law 800 years ago and was recognized by the U.S. Founding Fathers to demand documentation that may prove – or disprove – Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president.

The complaint further states: “As president-elect, Respondent Obama failed to submit prima facie evidence of his qualifications before January 20, 2009. Election officers failed to challenge, validate or evaluate his qualifications. Relators submit that as president elect, Respondent Obama failed to qualify per U.S. Constitution; articles II and I; amendment XX paragraph 3.”


What follows is the Summary of the complaint filed by Orly Taitz, attorney in Mission Viejo, California. As you can imagine, the complaint is thorough and long. I have replicated sufficient



March the 16th, 2009

Continued – page three


passages so not to diminish the nature, spirit, scope or details of the complaint but conscious of time to read and length, I compiled the salient points in this complaint to save you from reading the 78 page document. I will further attest that Exhibits and articles of proof were also attached to the documents I reviewed. I will further attest the investigator working this case for attorney Taitz is a licensed Private Investigator in the State of California for the past twenty-five years, and prior to this, served twenty years as a Detective at New Scotland Yard. I will further attest that I have reviewed documents containing additional names not previously mentioned. Some of the names are active military and others are retired at Lt. Col. and above rank.

Should it be discovered Mr. Obama is ineligible, a constitutional crisis would ensue attempting to determine which of his executive branch orders should be valid. If, however, this case continues and Mr. Obama fights revealing his documentation, there are growing concerns of civil unrest, or worse, being unleashed in the streets of our nation. The economic crisis coupled with this type of a constitutional crisis could prove to be a “flashpoint” that would test conventional law enforcement and elements of homeland security.


Summary of the Complaint submitted to U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.:

“Recently an active U.S. Army Officer, who is risking his life in defending our country in Iraq, joined my (attorney Taitz) legal action aimed at unsealing Barack Hussein Obama’s, aka Barry Soetoro’s, (Obama/Soetoro) legal status and eligibility/legitimacy for presidency of the U.S. The president needs to be a ‘natural born citizen – one who is born in the country to parents (plural, both) who are citizens of this country.

This definition was recently unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate in Senate resolution 511, presented by Senator Leahy in April 2008, as Senator McCain sought his legitimacy for the presidency to be verified, and Mr. McCain therefore presented his long version original birth certificate.

Mr. Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen; he was a citizen of Kenya here in the U.S. on a student visa, which by itself made Obama/Soetoro ineligible for presidency, regardless of whether he was born in this country or Kenya, or whether he later lost his U.S. citizenship while immigrating to Indonesia and obtaining Indonesian citizenship (by being adopted and naturalized), and later reaffirming his Indonesian citizenship while traveling on a Indonesian passport as an adult, and also most likely obtaining taxpayer funded financial aid as a Foreign Exchange student from Indonesia (Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship and any U.S. citizenship would therefore have to be relinquished). Additionally, Obama/Soetoro’s paternal grandmother, Sarah Obama, and the Ambassador from Kenya,



March the 16th, 2009

Continued – page three


Peter Ogego, made statements that he was born in Kenya, and there is no record of him being born in any hospital in Hawaii. HI Statute #338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian Certificates of Live Birth (COLB), and those can be obtained based on a statement of one relative only.

Additionally, Forensic Document expert Sandra Line has issued an affidavit that Obama’s place of birth cannot be ascertained without reviewing the original birth certificate. Dr. Chiymoi Fukimo, director of Health Department for the State of Hawaii, issued a statement that Obama has a birth certificate on file, but intentionally refused to provide clarification, whether it is a birth certificate for a foreign born child of a Hawaiian resident, whether it was prepared based on hospital records or statement of one relative only, or whether it is an amended birth certificate, created upon Obama/Soetoro’s adoption by Lolo Soetoro, his Indonesian stepfather, and showing him a citizen of Indonesia.

There are forensic questions raised about the short version Certification of Life Birth posted by Obama/Soetoro on his web site; lacking corroborating evidence such as name of the hospital, name of the doctor, three signatures and a seal on the front of the document.

Similarly, Obama/Soetoro supporters used Cyber space previously, in order to misinform and defraud American citizens and commit voter fraud. On November 3rd, a day before the National elections, when numerous voters questioned Obama/Soetoro’s Natural Born status and his refusal to provide his long version birth certificate, an article appeared on the Internet stating that a Virginia Judge reviewed Obama/Soetoro’s original birth certificate and found it to be valid, Obama/Soetoro to be a Natural Born citizen, and all legal actions to be frivolous (Exhibit). This whole case was manufactured, and Cyber space was used, to defraud American citizens….

I am also requesting an investigation into the financial dealings of Barack and Michele Obama. Please see attached list of over 100 addresses for Barack Obama and a 100 business addresses for Michele Obama. These are addresses obtained from a private investigator and an intelligence service. Obama/Soetoro’s addresses are connected to numerous different social security numbers. None of the 130 positions listed for Michelle and Barry or Barack H. Obama were listed on their disclosed tax returns. There has to be a corresponding search for each and every employer that is listed. If those are salaried positions then, there is massive tax fraud. And if those were campaign contributions over the allowed limits then, there is massive campaign contributions fraud, especially in light of over $300 million in



March the 16th, 2009

Continued – page four


contributions that are unaccounted for. Which is it? What social security numbers were used?

As you stated in your speech on Martin Luther King Day, Americans should not be ‘cowards’, particularly when matters of race are concerned. I was not a coward and prepared this large dossier, so I hope you will not be a coward and instead order an expeditious completion of this investigation and its subsequent prosecution.”


Accompanying this complaint is a petition calling for an appointment of a special prosecutor similar to the one appointed during Watergate. The fact that Obama has not ordered Hawaiian officials to release the document leaves doubt as to whether an authentic Hawaii birth certificate exists. Similar concerns exist in Mr. Obama’s refusal to release student records from Occidental College in the early 80’s where he may have been a student under the name of Barry Soetero, attending the college on aid for foreign students.

The action handed to the Chief Justice is on behalf 120 military officers, many of high rank, and 9 state representatives. Purportedly the room was stunned and silent as attorney Taitz and Chief Justice Roberts engaged in an extremely brief exchange regarding these charges which led to the oral promise made by the Chief Justice to review them.


Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

Protective Intelligence Specialist and Agent

Information Warfare Analyst

FBI InfraGard – Arizona

0100 Hrs. m.s.t.

Orly Taitz DDS Esq

26302 La Paz ste 211
Mission Viejo Ca 92691

29839 S. Margarita Pkwy
Rancho Santa Margarita Ca 92688

ph. w 949-586-8110 c-949-683-5411
fax 949-586-2082

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama Forum Calls for Users to Report "Dissenters and Any... Danger to the Obama Nation"

Have you visited the Obama Forum yet? If not, you may consider dropping by, especially if you have any doubts as to whether or not Obammunism is a totalitarian movement.

A brief visit to the site reveals a wealth of information about what's on the mind of the Obama Nation. Well, let's take a little look.

On this page is the Obama Nation Watch Board. "OBAMA NATION WATCH ~ Keeping an eye on our enemies Use this forum to report traitors, dissenter's and others who are a danger to the Obama Nation." This family of threads includes threads titled "Websites that must be banned," a place to "List enemy license plates here," "Patriots: Right Where we Want 'em," and, most intriguingly, right under a warning that racist posts will be deleted and the user banned, the thread "Why Blacks are Superior to Whites."

Check out the forum - it's a trip, man.

(Link deactivated)
The Obama Forum Copyright ©2009 is a discussion forum for supporters of President Obama. Discussion contents reflect the views of individual participants only. THEOBAMAFORUM.COM and its owner organizations, bear no responsibility for accuracy of participant comments and will bear no legal liability for discussion results.
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Orlando TEA Party Draws 5000

The TEA party in Orlando this weekend drew an estimated crowd of 5000 patriots standing up for America, our Constitution, and our way of life.

And EC sends a quick shout out to all my peeps in O-Town. What a fantastic place that was to grow up.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ex-Commerce Nominee: "Obama Budget Will Bankrupt USA"

Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, formerly Obama's nominee for Secretary of Commerce, explains how Obama's BEST-CASE scenario will bankrupt our country, and that "no system of government" could support these deficits.

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ECR Exposes Islamic Bias in American Textbooks

EC interviews Dennis Ybarra, author of The Trouble with Textbooks, a book that's created some controversy by exposing the pro-Islam and anti-Christian and -Jewish bias in the United States' public school textbooks.

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Barney Frank: Calls Antonin Scalia 'That Homophobe'

Barney Frank was on 365 Gay... some gay TV news show, where he called Antonin Scalia "that homophobe." This clip is at least as notable for the fact that it features gay news (who knew they had that?) as it is for Barney Frank's hateful slur. And to think, all this time I always assumed that gay news watchers had to settle for MSNBC.

He probably thought no one who cares would hear it on Gay TV, but me.... I never miss an episode.

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Obama the Not-So-Intellectual

Mark Levin was kind enough to air this montage of Obama stuttering, stammering, and generally misspeaking. Ahhh, the joys of being led by a true intellectual, instead of that dimwit W, huh?

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