Monday, July 13, 2009

Russian Pols Show Unbelievable Lack of Respect for Obama

I know that the Russians have characteristically been less than hospitable to American Presidents, but I don't recall them ever openly disrespecting (yeah, I KNOW it's a made-up word) a US President like this before... or maybe it's just that previous presidents have been savvy enough not to put themselves in such a position. Who knows? Maybe I'll figure it out when I stop laughing.

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  1. I have watched this video several times and I believe that Odumbo is introducing members of his traveling staff to the President of Russia. You will notice that the video first shows Med taking Odumbo to the beginning of the line of officials and he is introducing people. The video then cuts to the latter part of the line and Odumbo is now doing the honor of making the introductions. All typical protocol for visiting dignitaries.

  2. I'm the one laughing dumbshit. You think you are qualified to comment on the President and you don't even know those are his own advisors he's introducing, not trying to shake hands with. "Russians" LOL!
