Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama Healthcare Plan Forgets to Pay for.... Doctors??

A comprehensive national healthcare plan, and all free - with better quality care and no deductibles. What could be better than that? Just don't forget to pay for the doctors....

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  1. ECR .. you mean that in that 1,000 + page plan they "forgot" to pay dr's? amazing .. it clearly needs a few hundred more pages slipped in at 3am on the day of signing ...
    Don't worry Obama will save us from these evil insurance companies who just want power.
    he will take all the power so they have none.
    We can certainly trust Obama ...

    Now about that bridge in Brooklyn we were talking about you buying, i can make an even better offer to you now ...

  2. It is truly incredible he will force this down our throats then he will take our 2nd ammendment rights away. Munz has the Brooklyn Bridge, I'll swap you for the manhattan bridge..God help our poor Country we are about to be destroyed..
