Tuesday, July 28, 2009

78% of Americans Think ObamaCare is Full of %$it

A new poll released by Rasmussen indicates that fully 78% of Americans think Obama is lying about the promises of ObamaCare. 25% are still firmly behind the plan. Amazingly, that means that 3% of the population think Obama's full of crap but still support his silly healthcare plan. As Rich Lowry noted, Obama's healthcare scheme is becoming one of the most discredited and debunked government give-away programs in history.

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  1. Anyone who thinks ObamaCare is going to be the cat's meow needs to pick up a copy of the IRS Code - if they can physically pick it up - of course.


  2. Anyone who thinks ObamaCare is going to be the cat's meow needs to pick up a copy of the IRS Code - if they can physically pick it up - of course.



  4. Health care would be a nice thing for your country, but I'd like to know how Obama intends to PAY for it. Didn't he already spend a gazillion dollars bailing out the failed banks of Wall Street and the companies of Detroit?

    Only in America, I say - the people forced to pony up their own money so that crooked CEO's can keep sinking companies afloat. (not that the people themselves are blameless,though - darn unions made it possible for guys at GM to be paid $70 an hour simply for assembly-line work)Apparently crime DOES pay.

    Obama is not a communist; he is a humanist - but the man inherited a hopeless quagmire of finance and his humanism will only serve to make it worse still.

    To Americans: Be more pragmatic! If your country cannot afford it, then DO NOT BUY IT!
