Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is Chris Matthews a Secret "Birther"?

Chris Matthews is a genius. Or possibly not. You decide. Matthews has done what yours truly and thousands of other "birthers" have only been able to hope for. The veteran newsman has taken to the national stage and shown the lies and misinformation of those who would seek to keep our President's records secret. Thus, our good friend Chris Matthews helps me irrefutably demonstrate in this clip how the document you see here (from the oft-referenced site) is invalid.

As this clip shows, by leaving the rhetoric behind and going to the document- going on TV and waving around a demonstrably invalid, moot document and claiming it is the "birth certificate", Matthews has done more to publicize the Birther movement than any other single person yet. Thanks to Chris Matthews, we are one more step closer to getting to the bottom of this mystery. By taking Jeff Immelt's GE/NBC media machine laser and focusing it on the invalid document that has online, he has shown himself to be a strategic genius. Or maybe not.

At any rate, we thank you Chris Matthews. You miserable piece of scum.

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  1. Is the reason they're so worked up about the "Birther Bill" is that it means Obama would have to produce the long form certificate to ever have a second term?

  2. EC, Matthews isn't fit to be a candidate as an organ donor he is so messed up.

    All I want is for Obama to go through the same Senate Process that McCain did.

    They said McCain was a "natural born citizen" because his PARENTS (Plural) were American Citizens.

    Can Obama Pass that same test with his father being a Kenyan as he says?

  3. Me thinks the ship is sinking and the show must go on!the thrill has left the building! They will have A new thrill and it sure is going to get everybody talking!
