Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Obama Tells Ministers It's a Sin to Oppose Obamacare

In a stunning display of audacity, President Obama took the opportunity of a conference call with ministers to strongly imply that his opponents were misrepresenting his healthcare plan and "bearing false witness" before reminding them that "I am my brother's keeper."

OK Mr. President... other than the fact that the majority of misrepresentation and lies seem to be coming from your White House, as far as I know the Bible never says that "I am my brother's keeper."

Genesis 4:9 asks "Am I my brother's keeper?"... but the question is unanswered. Even if the answer is YES... how does that jibe with what you're really saying... which is "Government is my brother's keeper."

Misinformation and false witness, indeed.

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  1. God gave the USA the federal Constitution. And given the Constitution's silence about public healthcare, the 10th A. automatically reserves government power to regulate and lay taxes for healthcare to the states where God evidently wanted this power, not the Oval Office and Congress. So misguided Obama is wrong that not supporting constitutionally unauthorized federal healthcare is a sin.

  2. Even satan quotes the scripture so Mr. Obama does not impress me with his quick, incomplete, and often incorrect reference to The Word. He really needs to read it cover to cover and then pray. Get down on his knees to humble himself before a just and holy God. He will have to answer for what he is doing as a president. The nation will have to answer to voting him in to office.

  3. LOVE WHAT ANONYMOUS SAID! So, now, let's see . . . besides secretly mandating new procedures into policy without Congress or the Senate's approval, he is attempting to tell the moral leaders of our churches how to encourage their congregations to act a certain way, and MISQUOTING SCRIPTURE (which the ministers know is a misquote), to accomplish that end! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! And it shows his ignorance in this regard.

  4. hOW CAN PEOPLE who call themselves Christians celebrated a month that is a worship of the moon. The month of Ramadan is not Islamic but was stolen from the SaBEAN MOON WORSHIPPERS WHO STOLE jOB CATTLE AND KILLED HIS ATTENDENTS.
    When Muhammad did Ramadan, his first as a Muslim, he raided a caravan on its way to do Ramadan in Mecca and he killed the unarmed men and took the women and kids as slaves. ARAbs had done Ramadaone for a 1000 years and Muhammad stole the fasting from the Jews in Yathrib renamed Medina, after he killed all Jewish men by beheading them.
